"Bushelman" is a word in ENGLISH

bushelman ENGLISH

A tailor's assistant for repairing garments; -- called
also busheler.

Few words of positivity

To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.

Flannery O'Connor

Laugh your heart out.

Why is King Kong big and hairy? So you can tell him apart from a gooseberry.


ambuy n a style of mens sport shirt the lower end of which extends below the level of the buttocks …

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To deliver, as goods in trust, for some special object or purpose, upon a contract, expressed or implied, that the …

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batiwtiw CEBUANO

batiwtiw n tailor bird, the song of which is popularly said to be, Dakug putus, Having a large penis: Orthotomus …

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bigkas CEBUANO

bigkas v {1} [A1B26; a12b2] for string, rope, cloth, etc. to snap apart under tension, make s.t. snap. Walà may …

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bluefish ENGLISH

A large voracious fish (Pomatomus saitatrix), of the family Carangidae, valued as a food fish, and widely distributed on the …

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botcher ENGLISH

One who mends or patches, esp. a tailor or cobbler.

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cosier ENGLISH

A tailor who botches his work.

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diritsu CEBUANO

diritsu {1} directly, straight. Diritsu ngadtu sa syudad, Going directly to the city. {2} directly after s.t. else. Gíkan sa …

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draper ENGLISH

One who sells cloths; a dealer in cloths; as, a draper and tailor.

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duput a working assiduously, with constant and careful atten-tion. v [A2; b(1)] work diligently with attention. Ug makaduput siya sa …

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To bring to a required form and size; to shape aright; to adapt to a model; to adjust; -- said …

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gisión - Torn, rent, ragged. Ientregár mo ang gisión mo nga delárgo sa manugtábas agúd íya kaayóhon. Hand your torn …

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A tailor's smoothing iron, so called from its handle, which resembles the neck of a goose.

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haum a {1} fitting well. Haum kaáyu ang ímung sinínà sa ímung láwas, Your dress fits you well. {2} fitting, …

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haybuy CEBUANO

haybuy n a style of mens sport shirt, close-fitting and with ta-pering slits on both sides, similar to ambuys, but …

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A place into which a tailor throws his shreds, or a printer his broken type.

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hitsu a {1} complete, having all parts intact. Dílì bitsu ning baráha, This is not a complete deck of cards. …

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istritkat CEBUANO

istritkat n straight cut pants. v [c16] tailor trousers in the straight cut style.

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itikita CEBUANO

itikíta n tailors tag sewn into the article. v [A; b6(1)] sew or put a tailors tag on s.t.

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kambúsà - Unseemly, unsightly, slovenly, not well done (of sewing, etc.). Kambúsà (Nagakambúsà) ang ági siníng mákina, siníng talahían, etc. …

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