"Buenabista" is a word in HILIGAYNON

buenabista HILIGAYNON

buenabísta - (Sp. buena vista) A fine
view; a kind of ornamental plant of various

búdlò – búgaw
shapes and sizes and all with beautiful
leaves, found in almost every housegarden.

Few words of positivity

Schools themselves pervert the natural inclination to grow and learn into the demand for instruction.

Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call a truckload of vibrators?A: Toys for Twats.

Emparlance LAW AND LEGAL
sermocination ENGLISH

The making of speeches or sermons; sermonizing.

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fingering ENGLISH

The act or process of handling or touching with the fingers.

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glaciate ENGLISH

To convert into, or cover with, ice.

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overtrip ENGLISH

To trip over nimbly.

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encephalic ENGLISH

Pertaining to the encephalon or brain.

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sak-ang CEBUANO

sak-ang v [A; c] {1} sit down, set s.t. on s.t. that fits the bottom. Nagsak-ang sa inudúru, Sitting on …

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Power; armed force.

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suknib CEBUANO

suknib v {1} [A; b6(1)] set s.t. on fire. Akuy misuknib sa mga sagbut sa baul, I set fire to …

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Testamentum LAW AND LEGAL

Lat In tbo civil law. A testament; a will, or last will

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rhythmless ENGLISH

Being without rhythm.

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uksinada CEBUANO

uksináda = uksihináda. agwa = uksihináda.

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Having legal strength or force; executed with the proper formalities; incapable of being rightfully overthrown or set aside; as, a …

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margined ENGLISH

Having a margin.

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pamyinta CEBUANO

pamyinta = pimyinta.

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pengolin ENGLISH
spread ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Spread, v.

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halangdon HILIGAYNON

halángdon - (H) Worthy to be looked up to, high, exalted, great, praiseworthy, respectable; honourable, excellent. Ang halángdon nga pangúlo-puód. …

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