"Bubhu" is a word in CEBUANO


bubhu v [A; b] {1} wash the hair.
Bubhúig bawnus ang ákung buhuk, Shampoo my hair with gogo.
{2} put s.t.
in the hair as dressing.
n {1} s.t.
to wash hair with.
{2} hair dressing.
paN-v [A2; b6] wash, dress ones hair.
Mamubhu kug lubi, I will rinse my hair with coconut juice.

Few words of positivity

President Clinton signed a $10 million deal to write a book by 2003. Isn't that amazing? Yes, and get this, not only that, President Bush signed a $10 million deal to read a book by 2003.

Conan O'Brien

Laugh your heart out.

How do spacemen pass the time on long trips ?They play astronauts and crosses !

ariglr CEBUANO

ariglr v [A; a12] {1} arrange, put in good order. Tabángi ku pag-ariglr sa ákung buhuk, Help me fix my …

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dagdag CEBUANO

dagdag v {1} [B12; c1] fall, make s.t. fall from the place where it is growing. Uyúga ang punúan arun …

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gulgol ILOKANO

n. a kind of tree whose macerated bark is used to make hair shampoo. v. /AG-/ to wash the hair …

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gúmun n ball of entangled fiber, hair, and the like. Ang bangag sa labábu nahut-ag gúmun sa buhuk, The spout …

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hinakí - (H) A hair-wash, hair-lotion, prepared from vegetable or mineral substances and used to clean the hair and scalp; …

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kisul n k. o. perennial herb about 1012 high with dull, yellow-green, cordiate leaves, aromatic in root-stock and leaves. The …

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kúmut v [AN; ab2] {1} lay hands on any part of the body in-cluding the hair and squeezing or clawing …

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kusukusu CEBUANO

kusukúsu v {1} [A; a] rumple or rub s.t. in the hands. Kusukusúha ang papil nga iílu, Rub the paper …

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lupù v [A3P; b6(1)] shut o? , block a passage or flow. Gúmun sa buhuk ang nakalupù (nakapalupù) sa labábu, …

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pagang CEBUANO

pagang a for hair to be dry and lack oil. v [B] for hair to become dry and lose its …

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pipi, pipi HILIGAYNON

pípì, pîpî - To strike with a flat instrument, to hammer; beat, slap with the hand repeatedly or in quick …

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púnas v [A; b6] wash the face and limbs with a soapy washcloth. paN-v [A2; b6(1)] wash oneself o? with …

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punlas CEBUANO

punlas v {1} [A; b1] rinse washed clothes with citrus juice and water, esp. pineapple fiber cloth to sti? en …

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salangkugi HILIGAYNON

salangkúgi - (B) A tree, whose bark yields a juice that is much used as a hair-wash; salangkúgi-bark, salangkúgi-juice.

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tábag - The waste matter, dregs, impurities, remnants of fruit after the juice has been pressed out; the refuse that …

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A liquid preparation for the hair; as, a hair wash.

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