"Brungkitis" is a word in CEBUANO

brungkitis CEBUANO

brungkítis n bronchitis.
v [B26; a4] become bronchitis, get bron-chitis.
Patambáli nang ubu sa dì pa nà mabrungkítis, Treat your cough before it turns into bronchitis.
Gibrungkítis ku, I got bronchitis.

Few words of positivity

I'm sorry. I know you loved her. It was hard not to.

John Green, Looking for Alaska

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the Irishman who couldn't tell the difference between his two horses?His friend suggested measuring them, that didn't help though, the Irishman discovered that the brown horse was only an inch taller than the white one!

pyrexical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to fever; feverish.

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In Saxon and old English law. A fine, penalty, or amercement im-posed for defaults in the assise of bread. Cowell

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sindikatu CEBUANO

sindikátu n syndicate, a group of people banded together for business or criminal purposes. v [B1256] become a crime syndi-cate.

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To peep; to glance obliquely; to leer.

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menstruant ENGLISH

Subject to monthly flowing or menses.

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Kleptomania LAW AND LEGAL

IA. In medical jurisprudence. A form (or symptom) of mania, consisting in an irresistible propensity to steal. See INSANITY

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duodenary ENGLISH

Containing twelve; twelvefold; increasing by twelves; duodecimal.

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labni v [A; a] snatch, grab with a jerk, esp. s.t. that s. o. has. Wà mailhi sa dalága ang …

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apostil ENGLISH

Alt. of Apostille

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claptrap ENGLISH

A contrivance for clapping in theaters.

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téla - (Sp. tela) Dress-goods, stuff, cloth, clothing material, etc. (See tehído, talabasón, heneró).

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all that part of a building above the basement. Also used figuratively.

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To deliver from agitation or excitement; to still or soothe, as the mind or passions.

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archmarshal ENGLISH

The grand marshal of the old German empire, a dignity that to the Elector of Saxony.

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anglophobia ENGLISH

Intense dread of, or aversion to, England or the English.

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appall ENGLISH

To grow faint; to become weak; to become dismayed or discouraged.

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rapid páyir a doing things rapidly. v [A; c1] do s.t. hurriedly, rapidly. Nagrapid páyir kug panglimpyu kay mulakaw ku, …

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assure ENGLISH

To affiance; to betroth.

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