"Bromlife" is a word in ENGLISH

bromlife ENGLISH

A carbonate of baryta and lime, intermediate between
witherite and strontianite; -- called also alstonite.

Few words of positivity

If you don't go to people's funerals they won't come to yours.


Laugh your heart out.

Why are haunted houses so noisy in April? That's when the ghosts do their spring screaming!

acetone ENGLISH

A volatile liquid consisting of three parts of carbon, six of hydrogen, and one of oxygen; pyroacetic spirit, -- obtained …

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acetyl ENGLISH

A complex, hypothetical radical, composed of two parts of carbon to three of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Its hydroxide …

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acetylene ENGLISH

A gaseous compound of carbon and hydrogen, in the proportion of two atoms of the former to two of the …

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aerate ENGLISH

To combine or charge with gas; usually with carbonic acid gas, formerly called fixed air.

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aeration ENGLISH

The act or preparation of charging with carbonic acid gas or with oxygen.

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after damp ENGLISH

An irrespirable gas, remaining after an explosion of fire damp in mines; choke damp. See Carbonic acid.

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alabaster ENGLISH

A hard, compact variety of carbonate of lime, somewhat translucent, or of banded shades of color; stalagmite. The name is …

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allomorph ENGLISH

Any one of two or more distinct crystalline forms of the same substance; or the substance having such forms; -- …

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anatron ENGLISH

Native carbonate of soda; natron.

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animal ENGLISH

An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food …

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anthracite ENGLISH

A hard, compact variety of mineral coal, of high luster, differing from bituminous coal in containing little or no bitumen, …

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anthracometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a mixture.

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aragonite ENGLISH

A mineral identical in composition with calcite or carbonate of lime, but differing from it in its crystalline form and …

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argentine ENGLISH

A siliceous variety of calcite, or carbonate of lime, having a silvery-white, pearly luster, and a waving or curved lamellar …

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The process of converting venous blood into arterial blood during its passage through the lungs, oxygen being absorbed and carbonic …

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aurichalcite ENGLISH

A hydrous carbonate of copper and zinc, found in pale green or blue crystalline aggregations. It yields a kind of …

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azurite ENGLISH

Blue carbonate of copper; blue malachite.

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barilla ENGLISH

The alkali produced from the plant, being an impure carbonate of soda, used for making soap, glass, etc., and for …

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A mineral of a white or gray color, occurring massive or crystallized. It is a compound of the carbonates of …

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Steel made directly from cast iron, by burning out a portion of the carbon and other impurities that the latter …

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