"Brodekin" is a word in ENGLISH

brodekin ENGLISH

A buskin or half-boot.

Few words of positivity

She was mine.  I owned her from the hair on her head to her curl-covered cunt to those elegant feet. 

kimber nilsson

Laugh your heart out.

How do fireflies start a race? Ready, steady, glow!

buskin ENGLISH

A similar covering for the foot and leg, made with very thick soles, to give an appearance of elevation to …

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buskin ENGLISH

A strong, protecting covering for the foot, coming some distance up the leg.

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buskined ENGLISH

Trodden by buskins; pertaining to tragedy.

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buskined ENGLISH

Wearing buskins.

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butín - (Sp. botín) Buskin, brogue, halfboot; gaiter, spatterdash; booty of war, spoils. (cf. butítos).

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cothurn ENGLISH

A buskin anciently used by tragic actors on the stage; hence, tragedy in general.

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gamashes ENGLISH

High boots or buskins; in Scotland, short spatterdashes or riding trousers, worn over the other clothing.

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The shoe worn by actors of comedy in ancient Greece and Rome, -- used as a symbol of comedy, or …

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