"Briony" is a word in ENGLISH

briony ENGLISH

See Bryony.

Few words of positivity

Compelled respect always implies fear.

A.S. Neill, Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama's like the sun you look at her to long you will go blind!

halang TAGALOG

halang1 Definition: (adj) /pa--/ (pahalang) horizontal, transverse, lying across 2 Definition: Notes: Examples:

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triumpher ENGLISH

One who triumphs or rejoices for victory.

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inclinable ENGLISH

Leaning; tending.

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forewit ENGLISH

A leader, or would-be leader, in matters of knowledge or taste.

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tribasic ENGLISH

Capable of neutralizing three molecules of a monacid base, or their equivalent; having three hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by …

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remiform ENGLISH

Shaped like an oar.

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titlark ENGLISH

Any one of numerous small spring birds belonging to Anthus, Corydalla, and allied genera, which resemble the true larks in …

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The more or less cuplike calicle of a coral.

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cloister ENGLISH

To confine in, or as in, a cloister; to seclude from the world; to immure.

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marshal ENGLISH

To dispose in due order, as the different quarterings on an escutcheon, or the different crests when several belong to …

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infusion ENGLISH

The liquid extract obtained by this process.

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túnay - Pure, undefiled, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unalloyed, unmixed; sincere, honest, coming from the heart; perfect, complete, unconditional. Túnay nga gúgma. …

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consideringly ENGLISH

With consideration or deliberation.

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A soft or porous stone formed by depositions from water, usually calcareous; -- called also calcareous tufa.

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A young branch or growth.

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conference ENGLISH

A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a district; the district in which such churches are.

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ímpon - To join, associate with, cooperate, join in, take part in. Impon— or—magímpon ka sa íla. Join them. Imponí …

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