"Brazenfaced" is a word in ENGLISH

brazenfaced ENGLISH

Impudent; shameless.

Few words of positivity

The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.


Laugh your heart out.

A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he could buy him a drink. 'Why, of course,' comes the reply.The first man then asks, 'Where are you from?''I'm from Ireland,' replies the second man.The first man responds by saying, 'You don't say. I'm from Ireland too. Let's have another round to Ireland.''Of course,' replies the second man.Curious, the first man then asks, 'Where in Ireland are you from?''Dublin,' comes the reply.'I can't believe it,' says the first man, 'I'm from Dublin too. Let's have another drink to Dublin.''Of course,' replies the second man.Curiosity again strikes and the first man asks, 'What school did you go to?''St Mary's,' replies the second man, 'I graduated in 1962.''This is unbelievable,' the first man says. 'I went to St Mary's and I graduated in 1962 too.'About that time, one of the regulars comes in and sits down at the bar. 'What's been going on?' he asks the barman.'Nothing much,' replies the barman. 'The O'Malley twins are drunk again.'

blushless ENGLISH

Free from blushes; incapable of blushing; shameless; impudent.

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brazen ENGLISH

To carry through impudently or shamelessly; as, to brazen the matter through.

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brazen ENGLISH

Impudent; immodest; shameless; having a front like brass; as, a brazen countenance.

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brazen-browed ENGLISH

Shamelessly impudent.

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brazenface ENGLISH

An impudent or shameless person.

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effrontery ENGLISH

Impudence or boldness in confronting or in transgressing the bounds of duty or decorum; insulting presumptuousness; shameless boldness; barefaced assurance.

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frontless ENGLISH

Without face or front; shameless; not diffident; impudent.

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frontlessly ENGLISH

Shamelessly; impudently.

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impudence ENGLISH

The quality of being impudent; assurance, accompanied with a disregard of the presence or opinions of others; shamelessness; forwardness; want …

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impudent ENGLISH

Bold, with contempt or disregard; unblushingly forward; impertinent; wanting modesty; shameless; saucy.

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impudently ENGLISH

In an impudent manner; with unbecoming assurance; shamelessly.

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unbashful ENGLISH

Not bashful or modest; bold; impudent; shameless.

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