"Brahmo-Somaj" is a word in ENGLISH

brahmo-somaj ENGLISH

A modern reforming theistic sect among the Hindoos.

Few words of positivity

I don't think quantity time is as special as quality time with your family.

Reba McEntire

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the man in the electric chair who asked the executioner to reverse the charges ?


Lat. In the Roman law. Dally acts; the public registers or journals of the daily proceedings of the senate, assemblies …

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adamant ENGLISH

A stone imagined by some to be of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of …

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adelantado HILIGAYNON

adelantádo - (Sp. adelantado) Progressive, advanced, modern; fast (of a watch). (cf. mainuswagón, matín-ad; madásig).

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adelantar HILIGAYNON

adelantár - (Sp. adelantar) To promote, ameliorate, introduce progressive methods or modern inventions; to advance, put on. Adelantahí akó ánay …

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A term employed in old. prac-tice, signifying to put on file. 2 Maule & S. 202. In modern usage it …

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ailette ENGLISH

A small square shield, formerly worn on the shoulders of knights, -- being the prototype of the modern epaulet.

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In harmonized chorals, psalmody, part songs, etc., the part which bears the tune or melody -- in modern harmony usually …

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alchemy ENGLISH

An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for …

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L. Lat A naval commander, under the eastern Roman empire, but not of the highest rank; the origin, ac-cording to …

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amphibrach ENGLISH

A foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short (~ -- ~); as, h/b/r/. In …

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ancient ENGLISH

Those who lived in former ages, as opposed to the moderns.

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ancient ENGLISH

Old; that happened or existed in former times, usually at a great distance of time; belonging to times long past; …

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antique ENGLISH

Old, as respects the present age, or a modern period of time; of old fashion; antiquated; as, an antique robe.

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Argentarius LAW AND LEGAL

In the Roman law, a money lender or broker; a dealer in money; a banker. Argentarium, the instrument of the …

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A large constellation in the southern hemisphere, called also Argo Navis. In modern astronomy it is replaced by its three …

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Id old English law. A writ against the goods of aliens found within this kingdom, iu rec-ompense of goods taken …

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ascend ENGLISH

To rise, in a figurative sense; to proceed from an inferior to a superior degree, from mean to noble objects, …

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babism ENGLISH

The doctrine of a modern religious sect, which originated in Persia in 1843, being a mixture of Mohammedan, Christian, Jewish …

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bág-o - New, novel, fresh; recent, late, modern, just out, recently; to make new, to renew. Bág-o gid iníng kálò …

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bago Definition: 1) change -- PAGBABAGO (noun) 2) new, recent, modern (adj) 3) before, recently (adv/ conj) 2 Definition: Notes: …

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