"Borer" is a word in ENGLISH


Any bivalve mollusk (Saxicava, Lithodomus, etc.) which bores
into limestone and similar substances.


A marine, bivalve mollusk, of the genus Teredo and allies,
which burrows in wood. See Teredo.


One that bores; an instrument for boring.


One of the larvae of many species of insects, which
penetrate trees, as the apple, peach, pine, etc. See Apple borer, under


The hagfish (Myxine).

Few words of positivity

...a freeze response (dissociation, collapse, numbing, paralysis, deadness) during the incident that threatened your life or limb. Sometimes it's difficult for people to understand that this is really survival response...

Babette Rothschild, 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing

Laugh your heart out.

Remember, an alcoholic & a drunk are not the same thing at all.The alcoholic has to attend meetings.

acephalous ENGLISH

Without a distinct head; -- a term applied to bivalve mollusks.

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asiphonida ENGLISH

A group of bivalve mollusks destitute of siphons, as the oyster; the asiphonate mollusks.

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astarte ENGLISH

A genus of bivalve mollusks, common on the coasts of America and Europe.

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bimuscular ENGLISH

Having two adductor muscles, as a bivalve mollusk.

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bivalve ENGLISH

A mollusk having a shell consisting of two lateral plates or valves joined together by an elastic ligament at the …

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byssus ENGLISH

A tuft of long, tough filaments which are formed in a groove of the foot, and issue from between the …

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A bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible; as, the long clam (Mya arenaria), the quahog or …

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cockle ENGLISH

A bivalve mollusk, with radiating ribs, of the genus Cardium, especially C. edule, used in Europe for food; -- sometimes …

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dimyaria ENGLISH

An order of lamellibranchiate mollusks having an anterior and posterior adductor muscle, as the common clam. See Bivalve.

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hippurite ENGLISH

A fossil bivalve mollusk of the genus Hippurites, of many species, having a conical, cup-shaped under valve, with a flattish …

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inclusa ENGLISH

A tribe of bivalve mollusks, characterized by the closed state of the mantle which envelops the body. The ship borer …

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lithophagous ENGLISH

Eating or destroying stone; -- applied to various animals which make burrows in stone, as many bivalve mollusks, certain sponges, …

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A genus of bivalve mollusks, including the common long, or soft-shelled, clam.

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myaria ENGLISH

A division of bivalve mollusks of which the common clam (Mya) is the type.

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odontophore ENGLISH

A special structure found in the mouth of most mollusks, except bivalves. It consists of several muscles and a cartilage …

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ostracea ENGLISH

A division of bivalve mollusks including the oysters and allied shells.

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oyster ENGLISH

Any marine bivalve mollusk of the genus Ostrea. They are usually found adhering to rocks or other fixed objects in …

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pallial ENGLISH

Of or pretaining to a mantle, especially to the mantle of mollusks; produced by the mantle; as, the pallial line, …

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A shelly concretion, usually rounded, and having a brilliant luster, with varying tints, found in the mantle, or between the …

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pecten ENGLISH

Any species of bivalve mollusks of the genus Pecten, and numerous allied genera (family Pectinidae); a scallop. See Scallop.

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