"Bord-Halfpenny" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Bord-Halfpenny LAW AND LEGAL

A* customary small toll pald to the lord of a town for set-ting up boards, tables, booths, etc., ln fairs or markets

Few words of positivity

I am persuaded that a coldly-thought-out and independent verdict upon a fashion in clothes, or manners, or literature, or politics, or religion, or any other matter that is projected into the field of our notice and interest, is a most rare thing -- if it has indeed ever existed.

Mark Twain, Corn Pone Opinions

Laugh your heart out.

Morty the producer dies and goes to purgatory. The agent behind the counter says "So Morty, what's it gonna be Heaven or Hell?" Morty asks, "What's the difference?" Sid says "Take a look at the monitor over here." Morty goes to the monitor and sees scenes of heaven where people are quietly floating on clouds and playing harps in serene bliss. Morty turns to Sid and says "Well that's nice. Pretty boring but nice. What's Hell like?" Sid tells him to look at the other monitor. Morty does and sees scenes of young people having sex and dancing and smoking and drinking and laughing and singing and generally having a great time. "This is great!" says Morty. "I think I'll try Hell." Sid directs him to the elevator and instructs him to push the down arrow. Morty does so and waits for the elevator to take him to hell. When the car stops at hell the doors spring open. Morty look s around from the elevator doorway and is shocked at what he sees. Everywhere are people burning in agony, screaming in pain, drowning and suffering. There are laughing demons with pitchforks piercing their skin. Its horrible, disgusting. Morty presses the up button and goes right back to Sid." "What is this!? Hell is nothing like you showed me on the monitor! It was awful down there!" Sid says, "You mean that monitor?" "Yes," says Morty. "Oh, well, that was just the pilot."

abstinence ENGLISH

The act or practice of abstaining; voluntary forbearance of any action, especially the refraining from an indulgence of appetite, or …

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accustomable ENGLISH

Habitual; customary; wonted.

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accustomary ENGLISH

Usual; customary.

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accustomed ENGLISH

Familiar through use; usual; customary.

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In Saxon law. Free from penalty, not subject to the payment of gild, or weregild; that Is, the customary fine …

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allowance ENGLISH

A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, different in different countries, such as tare and tret.

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alphabet ENGLISH

The letters of a language arranged in the customary order; the series of letters or signs which form the elements …

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In an alphabetic manner; in the customary order of the letters.

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In feudal law. A duty required from some customary tenants, tocar-ry goods in a wagon or upon loaded horses

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A certain quantity of a commodity, such as it is customary to carry to market in a sack; as, a …

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balánse - (Sp. balance) Balance; equilibrium, symmetry, equipoise; to balance, poise; to shift, change, transfer from place to place, arrange …

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To prevent or restrain from customary or natural action; as, certain drugs bind the bowels.

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To be restrained from motion, or from customary or natural action, as by friction.

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M, or BOOTHAGE. Customary dues paid to the lord of a manor or soil, for the pitchlng or standing of …

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To “bring" an actlon or suit has a settled customary meaning at law, and refers to the inltation of legal …

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In English eccleslastlcal law. The primate of all England; the chief ecclesiastical digni-tary in the church. Hls customary privilege is …

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ceremonious ENGLISH

According to prescribed or customary rules and forms; devoted to forms and ceremonies; formally respectful; punctilious.

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common ENGLISH

Often met with; usual; frequent; customary.

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commonplace ENGLISH

An idea or expression wanting originality or interest; a trite or customary remark; a platitude.

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compensation ENGLISH

An equivalent stipulated for in contracts for the sale of real estate, in which it is customary to provide that …

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