"Bonnibel" is a word in ENGLISH

bonnibel ENGLISH

A handsome girl.

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"

admiral ENGLISH

A handsome butterfly (Pyrameis Atalanta) of Europe and America. The larva feeds on nettles.

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aluyuk CEBUANO

alúyuk (not without l) n part of the skull where the hair forms a whorl. -an a having a whorl …

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ambung CEBUANO

ambung -an a beautiful, handsome. Ambúngan kaáyu ka ánang sinináa, You are very handsome in that shirt. v [B12] become …

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A plant of the genus Callistephus. Many varieties (called China asters, German asters, etc.) are cultivated for their handsome compound …

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atbang CEBUANO

atbang (from atubang) across, opposite. Ang íla atbang sa ámù, Their place is across from ours. sa hángin where one …

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ayad-ayad HILIGAYNON

ayád-áyad - (B) Fine, nice, pretty, beautiful, charming, handsome, comely, good-looking. Abáw kaayád-áyad ba! By Jove! How beautiful! (cf. maayó-áyo, …

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azedarach ENGLISH

A handsome Asiatic tree (Melia azedarach), common in the southern United States; -- called also, Pride of India, Pride of …

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barug v {1} [APB36; c1P] stand, stand up, cause to do so. Mubarug kita inigtugtug sa nasudnung áwit, Let us …

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bayhónan - Shapely, handsome, pretty, good-looking, of good appearance.

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bayhun CEBUANO

bayhun n {1} carriage, bearing of a person. Gikaibgan kung ambúngan níyang bayhun, I admire his handsome posture. {2} gait …

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beauteous ENGLISH

Full of beauty; beautiful; very handsome.

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A young lady of superior beauty and attractions; a handsome lady, or one who attracts notice in society; a fair …

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bonnily ENGLISH

Gayly; handsomely.

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bonniness ENGLISH

The quality of being bonny; gayety; handsomeness.

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Handsome; beautiful; pretty; attractively lively and graceful.

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búing euphemism for búang, used as an endearing curse and not particularly as an insult. Kabúing nímu uy! Gipahulat ku …

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bunitu CEBUANO

bunítu a for a man or boy to be good-looking. v [B12; a1b6] be, become handsome. see also ninyu.

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clever ENGLISH

Well-shaped; handsome.

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comely ENGLISH

Pleasing or agreeable to the sight; well-proportioned; good-looking; handsome.

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