"Bolognese" is a word in ENGLISH

bolognese ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Bologna.

bolognese ENGLISH

A native of Bologna.

Few words of positivity

Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back, A name in your recollection, down among a million same." - A Perfect Circle.

Maynard James Keenan

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call an aardvark that writes poems?A bardvark!

bologna ENGLISH

A Bologna sausage.

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bologna ENGLISH

A city of Italy which has given its name to various objects.

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Decretum Gratiani LAW AND LEGAL

Grattan's de-cree, or decretum. A collection of eccleslas-tical law in three books or parts, made in the year 1151, by …

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Lat. A gloss, explanation, or interpretation. The gloss# ot the Roman law are brief illustrative comments or annotations on the …

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Infortiatum LAW AND LEGAL

The name given by the glossators to the second of the three purts or volumes into which the Pandects were …

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