"Blickey" is a word in ENGLISH

blickey ENGLISH

A tin dinner pail.

Few words of positivity

By saying that human issues are more important than non-human issues, that violence to humans is more relevant than violence to animals, one forgets that the animal liberation movement implies a message of peace for every being on earth and the opposition against the mindset of oppression. To make a distinction between one violence and another is exactly the root of all violence: Some wouldn't do any harm to those who share with them a flag, a religion, a language, etc. but would easily condemn to suffering and death those who are different. This tragic use of diversity as an excuse to inflict pain on others for a matter of profit and convenience is the cause of suffering for both human and non-human animals.

Mango Wodzak, The Eden Fruitarian Guidebook

Laugh your heart out.

Who is the greatest painter of this century? Pigcasso!


Lat By or from an tin-willing party. A transfer ab invito is a com-pulsory transfer

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abrilatas HILIGAYNON

abrilátas - (Sp. abrir, latas) Can-opener, tin-opener.

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agwáda - (Sp. aguada) To get or fetch water (especially with two tins suspended from a pole carried over the …

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aich's metal ENGLISH

A kind of gun metal, containing copper, zinc, and iron, but no tin.

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amalgam ENGLISH

An alloy of mercury with another metal or metals; as, an amalgam of tin, bismuth, etc.

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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arsenopyrite ENGLISH

A mineral of a tin-white color and metallic luster, containing arsenic, sulphur, and iron; -- also called arsenical pyrites and …

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babbitt metal ENGLISH

A soft white alloy of variable composition (as a nine parts of tin to one of copper, or of fifty …

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bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. {2} having been …

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balaghuy CEBUANO

balaghuy a lanky, ungracefully tall and thin. v [B] be lanky. Nagbalaghuy ang láwas sa tin-idyir, Teen-agers have lanky bod-ies.

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balda v [A; a] {1} disable, maim. Baldáha ang tiil arun dì kadá-gan, Break his legs so he cant run …

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English: pail; a large tin can Tagalog: balde

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bang-ar ILOKANO

v. /MA--AN/ to be relieved, comforted, cheered. Mabang-aranak nga makakita kenka. I am cheered to see you. adj. /MAKA-/ relieving, …

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baru, báru n large cylindrical water or rice container made from tin plate or an empty petroleum can, having a …

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bell metal ENGLISH

A hard alloy or bronze, consisting usually of about three parts of copper to one of tin; -- used for …

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biddery ware ENGLISH

A kind of metallic ware made in India. The material is a composition of zinc, tin, and lead, in which …

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bítbit - To carry in one’s hand (a handbag or the like). Bitbitá ang pinutús. Carry the parcel in your …

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blanch ENGLISH

To cover (sheet iron) with a coating of tin.

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block tin ENGLISH
blowtube ENGLISH

A similar instrument, commonly of tin, used by boys for discharging paper wads and other light missiles.

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