"Blastema" is a word in ENGLISH

blastema ENGLISH

The structureless, protoplasmic tissue of the embryo; the
primitive basis of an organ yet unformed, from which it grows.

Few words of positivity

The past is only making you to spill tears, tears of joy or tears pain. But anyway they are making you sad, for the things you had and will never have again.


Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman? A: "Come behind the pyramid, and I'll make you a mummy!"

epitheca ENGLISH

A continuous and, usually, structureless layer which covers more or less of the exterior of many corals.

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structureless ENGLISH

Without a definite structure, or arrangement of parts; without organization; devoid of cells; homogeneous; as, a structureless membrane.

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