"Blanched" is a word in ENGLISH

blanched ENGLISH

of Blanch

Few words of positivity

To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.

Jonathan Sacks

Laugh your heart out.

Why do the hamburgers beat the hot dogs at every sport they play?Because hot dogs are the wurst!

appall ENGLISH

To make pale; to blanch.

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bakhaw CEBUANO

bakhaw n k. o. dish made of blanched greens or raw meat or fish garnished with onions, tomatoes, and vinegar. …

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In old Engllsh law. Rents reserved in work, grnin, provisions, or baser money, in contradistinction to thosc which were reserved …

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blancard ENGLISH

A kind of linen cloth made in Normandy, the thread of which is partly blanches before it is woven.

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blanch ENGLISH

To cover (sheet iron) with a coating of tin.

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blanch ENGLISH

Fig.: To whiten; to give a favorable appearance to; to whitewash; to palliate.

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blanch ENGLISH

To whiten, as the surface of meat, by plunging into boiling water and afterwards into cold, so as to harden …

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blanch ENGLISH

To grow or become white; as, his cheek blanched with fear; the rose blanches in the sun.

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blanch ENGLISH

To avoid, as from fear; to evade; to leave unnoticed.

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blanch ENGLISH

To cause to turn aside or back; as, to blanch a deer.

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blanch ENGLISH

Ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals.

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blanch ENGLISH

To make white by removing the skin of, as by scalding; as, to blanch almonds.

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blanch ENGLISH
blanch ENGLISH

To bleach by excluding the light, as the stalks or leaves of plants, by earthing them up or tying them …

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blanch ENGLISH

To give a white luster to (silver, before stamping, in the process of coining.).

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blanch ENGLISH

To take the color out of, and make white; to bleach; as, to blanch linen; age has blanched his hair.

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Blanche Ferme LAW AND LEGAL

white rent; a rent reserved, payable in silver

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blancher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, blanches or whitens; esp., one who anneals and cleanses money; also, a chemical preparation for …

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A mode of tenure by the payment of a small duty in white rent (silver) or otherwise.

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Blanch Holding LAW AND LEGAL

An ancient ten-ure of the law of Scotland, the duty payable being trifling, as a penny or a pepper-corn, etc., …

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