"Blackwork" is a word in ENGLISH

blackwork ENGLISH

Work wrought by blacksmiths; -- so called in distinction
from that wrought by whitesmiths.

Few words of positivity

It is in doing that we could learn more about our strengths and weaknesses, and then be presented with the opportunities to work our way up from there.

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Beggar !Beggar who ?Beggar you don't know !

copper works ENGLISH

A place where copper is wrought or manufactured.

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cunning ENGLISH

Wrought with, or exhibiting, skill or ingenuity; ingenious; curious; as, cunning work.

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A massive variety of fluor spar, found in Derbyshire, England, and wrought into vases and other ornamental work.

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A bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be worked over into bars or other shapes by rolling or hammering …

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The works where wrought iron is produced directly from the ore, or where iron is rendered malleable by puddling and …

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high-wrought ENGLISH

Worked up, or swollen, to a high degree; as, a highwrought passion.

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inwrought ENGLISH

Wrought or worked in or among other things; worked into any fabric so as to from a part of its …

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kamôkamô - Botched, bungled, not well done or made, badly wrought; to botch, bungle, do something badly or carelessly. Dílì …

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manufacture ENGLISH

To work, as raw or partly wrought materials, into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, cotton, silk, or …

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roughwrought ENGLISH

Wrought in a rough, unfinished way; worked over coarsely.

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woodwork ENGLISH

Work made of wood; that part of any structure which is wrought of wood.

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Specifically: (a) That which is produced by mental labor; a composition; a book; as, a work, or the works, of …

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wrought ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Work.

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wrought ENGLISH

Worked; elaborated; not rough or crude.

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