"Bishoprio" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


In ecclesiastical law. The diocese of a bishop, or the circuit in which he has jurisdiction; the office of a bishop. 1 Bl. Comm. 377-382

Few words of positivity

You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.

Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Laugh your heart out.

Worried because they hadn't heard anything for days from the widow in the neighboring apartment, Mrs. Silver said to her son, "Timmy, would you go next door and see how old Mrs. Kirkland is?"A few minutes later, Timmy returned."Well," asked Mrs. Silver, "is she all right?""She's fine, except that she's angrywith you.""With me?" the woman exclaimed. "Whatever for?""She said 'It's none of your business how old she is,'" snickered Timmy.


Father; religious superior; -- in the Syriac, Coptic, and Ethiopic churches, a title given to the bishops, and by the …

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The government of a religious house, and the revenues thereof, subject to an abbot, as a bishopric ls to a …

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One of a class of bishops whose sees were formerly abbeys.

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acephali ENGLISH

Bishops and certain clergymen not under regular diocesan control.

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For the admitting of the clerk. A writ ln the nature of an execution, commanding the bishop to admit hls …

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admission ENGLISH

Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the …

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Admittendo Clerico LAW AND LEGAL

A writ of execution upon a right of presentation to a benefice being recovered ln quare impedit, addressed to the …

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adultery ENGLISH

The intrusion of a person into a bishopric during the life of the bishop.

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Certain articles or ordinances drawn up by Archbishop Parker and some of tbe bishops in 1564, at the request of …

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In English ecclesiastical law. The right of presentation to a church or ecclesiastical benefice; the right of pre-seutlng a fit …

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alao-alao HILIGAYNON

aláo-álao - To go to meet, to receive. Nagaláo-álao silá sa Ginóong Obispo. They went out to meet the Bishop. …

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almoner ENGLISH

One who distributes alms, esp. the doles and alms of religious houses, almshouses, etc.; also, one who dispenses alms for …

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Annuities Of Tiends LAW AND LEGAL

Iu Scotch luw. Anuuities of tithes; 10s. out of the boll of tieud wheat, 8s. out of the boll of …

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Annulus Et Baculus LAW AND LEGAL

(Lat ring aud staff.) The investiture of a. bishop was per annulum et baculum, by the prince's de-liver ing to …

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Apocrisarius LAW AND LEGAL

In ecclesiastical law. one who answers for another. An officer whose duty was to carry to the emperor mes-sages relating …

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apollinarian ENGLISH

A follower of Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea in the fourth century, who denied the proper humanity of Christ.

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The bishop's seat or throne, in ancient churches.

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A projecting part of a building, esp. of a church, having in the plan a polygonal or semicircular termination, and, …

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archbishop ENGLISH

A chief bishop; a church dignitary of the first class (often called a metropolitan or primate) who superintends the conduct …

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archdeacon ENGLISH

In England, an ecclesiastical dignitary, next in rank below a bishop, whom he assists, and by whom he is appointed, …

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