"Bikangkang" is a word in CEBUANO

bikangkang CEBUANO

bikangkang v [A; c1] spread ones legs apart.
Ug dì ka mu-bikangkang, dúgay kang kahimugsúan, If you dont spread your legs, youll have a hard time giving birth.

Few words of positivity

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

Lao Tzu

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla make the 'Playboy' Calendar?She was 'Miss Ape-ril!'

bakaang CEBUANO

bakaang v [B] walk with legs spread apart. Nagbakaang siya tungud sa hubag, He walked with his legs spread apart …

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balakáng - To spread the feet and legs wide apart in standing, sitting or lying. Nagabalakáng siá sa ganháan. He …

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balikákà - To spread the legs apart, straddle, stand astride. (cf. balakáng).

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bíkà - To straddle, to spread the legs wide apart when sitting, standing or lying. Indì ka magbíkà. Don’t spread …

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bikang CEBUANO

bikang, bíkang a having the feet spread apart, front to back or sideways. Bikang íyang linaktan, He walked with his …

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bíla v [A; b1c1] spread the legs apart to the sides. Ngánung mubíla ka mang maglingkud? Why do you spread …

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bilangkad CEBUANO

bilangkad, bilangkat v [A; c1] have the legs spread wide apart. Nagbuy-ud siya nga nagbilangkat sa katri, She was sprawled …

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bilwa v [B16; c1] for the legs to be spread in falling. Nabilwa ang íyang tiil pagkahg maung nalisa, He …

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birákra - To sit or lie down with legs drawn up and spread far apart. Indì ka magbirákra. Don’t sit …

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damyang CEBUANO

damyang v [A; c] spread s.t. out, usually grains or small objects. Idamyang ang bás sa nátad, Spread the sand …

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gaak v [B146; a12] walk with legs somewhat spread apart. Nag-gaak siya kay gihubagan sa búgan, He walked with legs …

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kanggrina CEBUANO

kanggrína n gangrene. v [B2N; a4b4] develop into gangrene. Nakanggrína (manganggrína, mikanggrína) ang samad, The wound developed into gangrene. Giputul …

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kípì v [A; c1] draw the knees and thighs together. Mikípì paglingkud ang nagmíni, The girl wearing a mini skirt …

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pangangkang HILIGAYNON

pangángkang - Freq. of kángkang. To open one’s hand with the fingers spread wide apart; to sprawl, spread the legs …

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paníkad - Freq. of síkad. To spread one’s legs, plant them firmly on the ground; to lie down and push …

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sakaang CEBUANO

sakáang v {1} [A2S3P] totter under a heavy weight with the legs spread far apart for balance and foothold. Pára …

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sikangkang HILIGAYNON

sikángkang - To straddle, to put or spread the legs asunder. (cf. bikâ, balakáng, barakáng).

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tikang CEBUANO

tikang v [A; a] place a foot on a step, rung, or any foothold. Mi-tikang siya sa istríbu arun musakay …

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