"Bice" is a word in ENGLISH


Alt. of Bise

Few words of positivity

To be able to say how much love, is love but little.


Laugh your heart out.

Q. What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?A. You didn't hold the pillow down long enough.

echinus ENGLISH

The rounded molding forming the bell of the capital of the Grecian Doric style, which is of a peculiar elastic …

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angkan TAGALOG

angkan Definition: (noun) family, lineage

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To set in order; to arrange, or lay away, esp. as papers in a methodical manner for preservation and reverence; …

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fodientia ENGLISH

A group of African edentates including the aard-vark.

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business ENGLISH

That which one has to do or should do; special service, duty, or mission.

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apparel ENGLISH

External clothing; vesture; garments; dress; garb; external habiliments or array.

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panghimos HILIGAYNON

panghímos - Freq. of hímos. To prepare, get ready, provide, see to beforehand, make arrangements for; preparation, previous arrangement, provision.

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fascicle ENGLISH

A small bundle or collection; a compact cluster; as, a fascicle of fibers; a fascicle of flowers or roots.

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Domiceliate LAW AND LEGAL

To establish one’s domicile; to take up one’s fixed residence in a given place. To establish the domicile of another …

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information ENGLISH

News, advice, or knowledge, communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation; intelligence; knowledge derived from reading, observation, …

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cyclops ENGLISH

A portable forge, used by tinkers, etc.

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frontal ENGLISH

A medicament or application for the forehead.

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kalakkalak CEBUANO

kalakkalak n sputtering sound of a defective machine. v [B46; b6] for a defective machine to sputter. Mukalakkalak ang mak-ina …

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ághò - A small tree much used for fences.

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íhi n axle, rod which holds a wheel which turns. Íhi sa rilu, Crown stem of a watch. Íhi sa …

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antanaclasis ENGLISH

A repetition of words beginning a sentence, after a long parenthesis; as, Shall that heart (which not only feels them, …

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