"Bestializing" is a word in ENGLISH

bestializing ENGLISH

of Bestialize

Few words of positivity

Hopefully one day we will pledge allegiance to the Earth and ALL the people on it.

Rick Lepard

Laugh your heart out.

President Dubya was awakened one night by an urgent call from the Pentagon. "Mr. President," said the four-star general, barely able to contain himself, "there's good news & bad news." "Oh, no," muttered the President, "Well, let me have the bad news first." "The bad news, sir, is that we've been invaded by creatures from another planet." "Gosh, and the good news?" "The good news, sir, is that they eat reporters and pee oil."

bestial ENGLISH

Belonging to a beast, or to the class of beasts.

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bestial ENGLISH

A domestic animal; also collectively, cattle; as, other kinds of bestial.

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bestial ENGLISH

Having the qualities of a beast; brutal; below the dignity of reason or humanity; irrational; carnal; beastly; sensual.

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bestiality ENGLISH

The state or quality of being bestial.

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bestiality ENGLISH

Unnatural connection with a beast.

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Bestiality LAW AND LEGAL

Bestiality is the carnal knowledge and connection against the order of nature by man or woman ln any manner with …

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bestialize ENGLISH

To make bestial, or like a beast; to degrade; to brutalize.

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bestially ENGLISH

In a bestial manner.

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term is often defined in statutes and judicial decisions as meaning “tbe crime against nature," the “crimen innominatum" or as …

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A place of bestial debauchery.

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