"Bermuda Grass" is a word in ENGLISH

bermuda grass ENGLISH

A kind of grass (Cynodon Dactylon) esteemed for
pasture in the Southern United States. It is a native of Southern
Europe, but is now wide-spread in warm countries; -- called also scutch
grass, and in Bermuda, devil grass.

Few words of positivity

Hey moon, please forget to fall down

Panic! At the Disco

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor you've taken out my tonsils, my adenoids, my gall bladder, my varicose veins and my appendix, but I still don't feel well.That's quite enough out of you!


A canelike grass of southern Europe (Arundo Donax), used for fishing rods, etc.

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gama grass ENGLISH

A species of grass (Tripsacum dactyloides) tall, stout, and exceedingly productive; cultivated in the West Indies, Mexico, and the Southern …

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johnson grass ENGLISH

A tall perennial grass (Sorghum Halepense), valuable in the Southern and Western States for pasture and hay. The rootstocks are …

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millet ENGLISH

The name of several cereal and forage grasses which bear an abundance of small roundish grains. The common millets of …

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para grass ENGLISH

A valuable pasture grass (Panicum barbinode) introduced into the Southern United States from Brazil.

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teosinte ENGLISH

A large grass (Euchlaena luxurians) closely related to maize. It is native of Mexico and Central America, but is now …

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