"Benighting" is a word in ENGLISH

benighting ENGLISH

of Benight

Few words of positivity

I leave work by 6:30 P.M. so I can spend some time with the children. Inevitably, we'll end up watching basketball or football. I live in a house of boys, and they're all sports mad, so I don't stand a chance.

Aerin Lauder

Laugh your heart out.

Why did a footballer take a piece of rope onto the pitch?He was the skipper!

belated ENGLISH

Delayed beyond the usual time; too late; overtaken by night; benighted.

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benight ENGLISH

To involve in moral darkness, or ignorance; to debar from intellectual light.

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benight ENGLISH

To involve in darkness; to shroud with the shades of night; to obscure.

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benight ENGLISH

To overtake with night or darkness, especially before the end of a day's journey or task.

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benightment ENGLISH

The condition of being benighted.

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gáb-i - (H) Night, nightfall; to get—, grow—, dark, become night. Maáyong gábi. Good evening. Good night. Dalî kamó sa …

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