"Beaconed" is a word in ENGLISH

beaconed ENGLISH

of Beacon

Few words of positivity

When we died, no one would know, and that fraction of a moment that was so important to who we were would be gone.

Kiera Cass, The Elite

Laugh your heart out.

Does this bus stop at the river? If it doesn't there'll be a very big splash.

balize ENGLISH

A pole or a frame raised as a sea beacon or a landmark.

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beacon ENGLISH

A signal or conspicuous mark erected on an eminence near the shore, or moored in shoal water, as a guide …

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beacon ENGLISH

To give light to, as a beacon; to light up; to illumine.

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beacon ENGLISH

A signal fire to notify of the approach of an enemy, or to give any notice, commonly of warning.

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beacon ENGLISH

That which gives notice of danger.

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beacon ENGLISH

A high hill near the shore.

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beacon ENGLISH

To furnish with a beacon or beacons.

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A light-house, or sea-mark, formerly used to alarm the country, in case of the approach of an enemy, but now …

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beaconage ENGLISH

Money paid for the maintenance of a beacon; also, beacons, collectively.

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Money paid for the main-tenance of a beacon or signal-light

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beaconless ENGLISH

Having no beacon.

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cresset ENGLISH

An open frame or basket of iron, filled with combustible material, to be burned as a beacon; an open lamp …

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A beacon tower; a lighthouse.

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pharos ENGLISH

A lighthouse or beacon for the guidance of seamen.

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seamark ENGLISH

Any elevated object on land which serves as a guide to mariners; a beacon; a landmark visible from the sea, …

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Trinity House LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A society ait Deptford Strond, incorporated by Hen. VIII. in 1515, for the promotion of commerce and …

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