"Bayawak" is a word in TAGALOG

bayawak TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) large lizard Tagalog slang for police
Definition: (salitang balbal) Pulis

Few words of positivity

The Bible is not a witness to the best people making it up to God; it's a witness to God making it down to the worst people. Far from being a book full of moral heroes whom we are commanded to emulate, what we discover is that the so-called heroes in the Bible are not really heroes at all. They fall and fail; they make huge mistakes; they get afraid; they're selfish, deceptive, egotistical, and unreliable. The Bible is one long story of God meeting our rebellion with His rescue, our sin with His salvation, our guilt with His grace, our badness with His goodness.

Tullian Tchividjian, One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Beggar !Beggar who ?Beggar you don't know !


The top or head of anything.

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copyhold ENGLISH

Land held in copyhold.

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multiplicate ENGLISH

Consisting of many, or of more than one; multiple; multifold.

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nitromuriatic ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or composed of, nitric acid and muriatic acid; nitrohydrochloric. See Nitrohydrochloric.

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dapa4 Definition: (noun) rough scaled brill sole Tagalog slang for shoes 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) sapatos

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warble ENGLISH

A small tumor produced by the larvae of the gadfly in the backs of horses, cattle, etc. Called also warblet, …

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alchemical ENGLISH

Of or relating to alchemy.

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L. Lat. Spelled also tesnecius, enitius, crncas, cncyus. The eldest-born; the first-born; senior, as contrasted with the puis-ne, (younger.) Spelman

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glyconic ENGLISH

Consisting of a spondee, a choriamb, and a pyrrhic; -- applied to a kind of verse in Greek and Latin …

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gunroom ENGLISH

An apartment on the after end of the lower gun deck of a ship of war, usually occupied as a …

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bangkero TAGALOG

bangkero Definition: (noun) boatman, banker, dealer and/or payer in gambling (shortened to BANGKA, colloquially). Notes: Spanish word

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skittle-dog ENGLISH

The piked dogfish.

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Certain establlshed rents of the freeholders and ancient copyholders of manors are denominated “qultrents,” because thereby the tenant goes quit …

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purify ENGLISH

Hence, in figurative uses: (a) To free from guilt or moral defilement; as, to purify the heart.

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igat a {1} flirtatious, lacking in feminine modesty. Igat ang íyang tinan-awan ngadtu sa gwápung láki, She gave a flirtatious …

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dugnas CEBUANO

dugnas v [B23(1); b6] for the leaves of annuals which yield roots or vegetables to wither when the crop has …

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Gng. abbreviation for Gínang, Mrs.

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harmoniphon ENGLISH

An obsolete wind instrument with a keyboard, in which the sound, which resembled the oboe, was produced by the vibration …

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capitol ENGLISH

The temple of Jupiter, at Rome, on the Mona Capitolinus, where the Senate met.

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Freemen who delivered themselves and property to the protectlon of a more powerful person, ln order to avoid military service …

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