"Bastidur" is a word in CEBUANO

bastidur CEBUANO

bastidur = birsu.

bastidur CEBUANO

bastidur n rounded frame for use in embroidery.
v [A1; a] use, make into an embroidery frame.

Few words of positivity

The mind of had the ability to alter the state of matter itself, and, more important, the mind had the power to encourage the physical world to move in a specific direction

Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the Scottish cannibal live on a sugar plantation?He said, "So that I can feed my lads with m'lasses."

pyungkut CEBUANO

pyungkut v [AB6; c16] get bunched up, gathered into folds and wrinkled, cause s.t. to become so. Mupyungkut (mapyungkut) nang …

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