"Baryabols" is a word in TAGALOG

baryabols TAGALOG

Definition: Tagalog slang for loose change, coins
Definition: (salitang balbal) Barya

Few words of positivity

Every man who attacks my belief diminishes in some degree my confidence in it and therefore makes me uneasy and I am angry with him who makes me uneasy.

Samuel Johnson

Laugh your heart out.

On a special teacher's day, a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils. The florist's son handed her a gift. She shooked it, held it over her head, and said, "I bet I know what it is - flowers!""That's right!" said the boy, "but how did you know?""Just a wild guess," she said.The next pupil was the candy store owner's daughter. The teacher held her gift overhead, shooked it, and said, "I bet I can guess what it is - a box of candy!""That's right! But how did you know?" asked the girl."Just a lucky guess," said the teacher.The next gift was from the liquor store owner's son. The teacher held the bag over her head and noticed that it was leaking. She touched a drop of the leakage with her finger and tasted it. "Is it wine?" she asked."No," the boy replied.The teacher repeated the process, touching another drop of the leakage to her tongue. "Is it champagne?" she asked."No," the boy replied.The teacher then said, "I give up, what is it?" The boy replied, "A puppy!"

heresy ENGLISH

Religious opinion opposed to the authorized doctrinal standards of any particular church, especially when tending to promote schism or separation; …

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A lofty coniferous tree of New Zealand Agathis, / Dammara, australis), furnishing valuable timber and yielding one kind of dammar …

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dugù n {1} blood. May dugù siyang Katsílà, He has Spanish blood. {2} blood from menstruation. Kusug kug dugù human …

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Freedom from care, solicitude, or anything that annoys or disquiets; tranquillity; peace; comfort; security; as, ease of mind.

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pakain-kain HILIGAYNON

pakaín-káin - (H) To go from one place to another, shift from one position to another, be unreliable, have no …

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sibut-sibut HILIGAYNON

sibút-sibút - Annoyed, angry, cross, exasperated; to get annoyed, be angry, etc. (cf. ákig, pasibútsibút).

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nátù see kita.

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cognizance ENGLISH

The hearing a matter judicially.

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jejunum ENGLISH

The middle division of the small intestine, between the duodenum and ileum; -- so called because usually found empty after …

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mahubagon HILIGAYNON

mahubagón - Swelling, puffy, tumid, turgid, swoln, swollen, liable to swell up, subject to ulcers, swellings, tumours, skindiseases, etc. (cf. …

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pabliku CEBUANO

pabliku = publiku.

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To be tangent to. See Tangent, a.

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pleurobranch ENGLISH

Any one of the gills of a crustacean that is attached to the side of the thorax.

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princess ENGLISH

A female prince; a woman having sovereign power, or the rank of a prince.

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supersolar ENGLISH

ótok - To laugh, to be tickled. Nagótok siá sa dakû nga kahám-ut. He laughed with great glee. He was …

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lúgus - Pure, unadulterated, undefiled, genuine, unalloyed. (cf. lubús, púro, pulús, bús-og, lónlon, lúnsay, túnay).

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