"Barracoon" is a word in ENGLISH

barracoon ENGLISH

A slave warehouse, or an inclosure where slaves are
quartered temporarily.

Few words of positivity

Hopefully one day we will pledge allegiance to the Earth and ALL the people on it.

Rick Lepard

Laugh your heart out.

President Dubya was awakened one night by an urgent call from the Pentagon. "Mr. President," said the four-star general, barely able to contain himself, "there's good news & bad news." "Oh, no," muttered the President, "Well, let me have the bad news first." "The bad news, sir, is that we've been invaded by creatures from another planet." "Gosh, and the good news?" "The good news, sir, is that they eat reporters and pee oil."

abolition ENGLISH

The act of abolishing, or the state of being abolished; an annulling; abrogation; utter destruction; as, the abolition of slavery …

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adipen ILOKANO

n. slave; servant. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to enslave; to force (someone) to serve free. Isu ti nangadipen kanyak. He was the …

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Adscripti Gleb LAW AND LEGAL

®. Slaves who served the master of the soil, who were an-nexed to the land, and passed wlth it when …

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Adscriptus LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. Add-ed, annexed, or bound by or in writing; en-rolled. registered; united, Joined, annexed, bound to, generally. …

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Lat Another's; belonging to another; the property of another. Alienus homo, another's man, or slave. Inst. 4, 3, pr. Aliena …

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alila Active Verb: mag-alila Passive Verb: alilain Definition: 1. (noun) slave, servant 2. (active verb) to make, or to treat …

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English: slave Tagalog: alipin

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alipin TAGALOG

alipin Definition: (noun) slave

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arango ENGLISH

A bead of rough carnelian. Arangoes were formerly imported from Bombay for use in the African slave trade.

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assiento ENGLISH

A contract or convention between Spain and other powers for furnishing negro slaves for the Spanish dominions in America, esp. …

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bagnio ENGLISH

A house for bathing, sweating, etc.; -- also, in Turkey, a prison for slaves.

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An old law term signlfying, orig-inally, a “man,” whether slave or free. In later usage, a “freeman,” a “strong man,” …

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bloodhound ENGLISH

A breed of large and powerful dogs, with long, smooth, and pendulous ears, and remarkable for acuteness of smell. It …

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A vassal or serf; a slave.

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bondmaid ENGLISH

A female slave, or one bound to service without wages, as distinguished from a hired servant.

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bondman ENGLISH

A man slave, or one bound to service without wages.

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bond servant ENGLISH

A slave; one who is bound to service without wages.

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bondsman ENGLISH

A slave; a villain; a serf; a bondman.

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bondwoman ENGLISH

A woman who is a slave, or in bondage.

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busabos TAGALOG

busabos Definition: (noun) lowly slave

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