"Baria" is a word in ENGLISH



Few words of positivity

Behind every creative act is a statement of love. Every artistic creation is a statement of gratitude.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Laugh your heart out.

What's long and stylish and full of cats? The Easter Purrade!

barium ENGLISH

One of the elements, belonging to the alkaline earth group; a metal having a silver-white color, and melting at a …

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baryta ENGLISH

An oxide of barium (or barytum); a heavy earth with a specific gravity above 4.

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barytic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to baryta.

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brewsterite ENGLISH

A rare zeolitic mineral occurring in white monoclinic crystals with pearly luster. It is a hydrous silicate of aluminia, baryta, …

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bromlife ENGLISH

A carbonate of baryta and lime, intermediate between witherite and strontianite; -- called also alstonite.

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A similar oxide, having a slight alkaline reaction, as lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta.

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edingtonite ENGLISH

A grayish white zeolitic mineral, in tetragonal crystals. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and baryta.

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feldspath ENGLISH

A name given to a group of minerals, closely related in crystalline form, and all silicates of alumina with either …

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harmotome ENGLISH

A hydrous silicate of alumina and baryta, occurring usually in white cruciform crystals; cross-stone.

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neurine ENGLISH

A poisonous organic base (a ptomaine) formed in the decomposition of protagon with boiling baryta water, and in the putrefraction …

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strontia ENGLISH

An earth of a white color resembling lime in appearance, and baryta in many of its properties. It is an …

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An earthy oxide of manganese, or mixture of different oxides and water, with some oxide of iron, and often silica, …

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zeolite ENGLISH

A term now used to designate any one of a family of minerals, hydrous silicates of alumina, with lime, soda, …

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