"Baratangan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

baratangan HILIGAYNON

baratángan - (B) See balatángan—
couch, etc.

Few words of positivity

Respectable Protestant denominations retreated inside...leaving...unaffiliated madwomen to evangelize alfresco...

Sara Miles

Laugh your heart out.

What did the hypnotist say when he got his own website....Hyp, Hyp Hooray.

lustre ENGLISH

To make lustrous.

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westward ENGLISH

Alt. of Westwards

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nebula ENGLISH

A white spot or a slight opacity of the cornea.

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discursive ENGLISH

Passing from one thing to another; ranging over a wide field; roving; digressive; desultory.

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bulús - To take another’s place, to succeed, substitute, take one’s turn. Magbulús ka sa íya sa pagarádo. Now, take …

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dalus-us CEBUANO

dalus-us v [APB; c1P] slide down. Mahadluk siyang mudalus-us (mupadalus-us) sa gabayan sa hagdanan, Hes afraid to slide down the …

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lag-id CEBUANO

lag-id a hard, tough. Lag-id ang tugas labi na ang íyang lúbas, Molave is a hard wood, esp. the heartwood.

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inaction ENGLISH

Want of action or activity; forbearance from labor; idleness; rest; inertness.

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primacy ENGLISH

The state or condition of being prime or first, as in time, place, rank, etc., hence, excellency; supremacy.

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ubsirbaturyu CEBUANO

ubsirbaturyu n observatory.

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mariit, mariit HILIGAYNON

maríit, mariít - Haunted, weird, dreary, desolate, depressing, lonely, lonesome, inspiring fear, uncanny, said particularly of lonely places. (cf. ríit).

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wayway, way-way HILIGAYNON

wáyway, wáy-way - To fall or hang down, as long hair, etc. (cf. wálwal, káway, kabítkábit, etc.).

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To dress or act smartly.

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bakâ - Straddling, sitting astride, walking with legs wide apart.

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humanitarian ENGLISH

One who limits the sphere of duties to human relations and affections, to the exclusion or disparagement of the religious …

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ugtak v {1} [A; b3] for chickens to squawk in fright. {2} [B2; c1] for the voice to be loud …

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A woman who has been appointed to the office of curator; a female guardian. Cross' Curatrix v. Cross’ Legatees, 4 …

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in-going ENGLISH

Going; entering, as upon an office or a possession; as, an in-going tenant.

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guttle ENGLISH

To put into the gut; to swallow greedily; to gorge; to gormandize. [Obs.] L'Estrange.

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bristol ENGLISH

A seaport city in the west of England.

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