"Banwag" is a word in CEBUANO

banwag CEBUANO

banwag -in-an n {1} a newly-organized religious sect in Min-danao that patterns its religious practice after those of the Ro-man Catholic Church.
{2} member of this sect.
v [B156] be, become a member of the binanwágan.

banwag CEBUANO

banwag v [A; b6(1)] {1} illuminate a place.
Banwágan kung agiánan sa súlù, Ill light the way with a torch.
{2} enlighten s.
Ang ímung tambag mu ray makabanwag sa íyang kaisípan, Only your counsel can enlighten his mind.
n illumination.

Few words of positivity

In an age that valued prolonged and detailed exposition, complexity, and repetition it was astonishing that Luther should have instinctively discerned the value of brevity.

Andrew Pettegree, Brand Luther: How an Unheralded Monk Turned His Small Town into a Center of Publishing, Made Himself the Most Famous Man in Europe—and Started the Protestant Reformation

Laugh your heart out.

Boy: Dad, Dad, come out. My sister's fighting this ten foot gargoyle with three heads.Dad: No, I'm not coming out. She's going to have to learn to look after herself.

livable ENGLISH

Such as can be lived.

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linigerous ENGLISH

Bearing flax; producing linen.

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NA, (DAME.) A title given to honorable women, who andently, in their own right of inheritance, held a- barony. Cowell

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An oval or roundish fruit resembling the orange, and containing a pulp usually intensely acid. It is produced by a …

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Freedom from anything that pains or troubles; as: (a) Relief from labor or effort; rest; quiet; relaxation; as, ease of …

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Alt. of Bunsen's burner

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harness ENGLISH

Originally, the complete dress, especially in a military sense, of a man or a horse; hence, in general, armor.

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adj. /NA-/ wise, shrewd, sagacious, erudite. v. /-UM-/.

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A variety of such fixed character that it may be propagated by seed.

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miswa n humorous term of address for young ladies, used intimately without a? xing the name. Huy, Miswa, dalì na, …

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tuntun CEBUANO

tuntun v {1} [A; c] lower s.t. Mitábang kug tuntun sa lungun sa buhù, I helped lower the co? n …

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kameng ILOKANO

n. member, delegate or representative of an organization, association, union, etc. --syn. MIEMBRO. KAMERA [kamεra; f. Eng.], n. camera. --syn. …

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noblesse ENGLISH

Dignity; greatness; noble birth or condition.

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pormál - (Sp. formal) Formal, polite, proper, decent, seemly, courteous, mannerly, decorous, according to established manners or etiquette. (cf. ígò, …

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prismatoidal ENGLISH

Having a prismlike form.

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bechance ENGLISH

To befall; to chance; to happen to.

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