"Balyenti" is a word in CHAVACANO

balyenti CHAVACANO

English: brave
Tagalog: matapang

Few words of positivity

Not everyone can understand your language like using "BTW", "BRB", "SAA" and many other such type of short words.

Deyth Banger

Laugh your heart out.

What's long, hard, and has semen in it?A submarine!

gapugapu CEBUANO

gapugapu v [B146; a2] be rough-skinned due to scars, scales, cal-luses. Nindut siyag bitíis ugáling kay naggapugapu lang tungud sa …

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mabinutáng-butángon - Slanderous, backbiting, reviling, calumniating, libellous. (butángbútang).

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haggardly ENGLISH

In a haggard manner.

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aggeneration ENGLISH

The act of producing in addition.

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equivalency ENGLISH

Same as Equivalence.

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astriferous ENGLISH
prupursiyun CEBUANO

prupursiyun n {1} well-proportioned. Prupursiyun kaáyu ang ímung láwas, You have a well-proportioned body. {2} mixture, ratio of constituent ingredients. …

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prutistanti CEBUANO

prutistanti n Protestant church or a member thereof. v [B6; a12] be, become a protestant.

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To test as to weight and fineness, as the coins deposited in the pyx.

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property ENGLISH

All the adjuncts of a play except the scenery and the dresses of the actors; stage requisites.

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incrassated ENGLISH

Thickened; becoming thicker.

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imbowel ENGLISH

To make an attempt; to make an essay or a trial; -- used with at.

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apostille ENGLISH

A marginal note on a letter or other paper; an annotation.

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boramez ENGLISH

plat n garden plot. v [A; a] divide a garden into plots.

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albularyu CHAVACANO

English: herb doctor Tagalog: erbolaryo

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eyalet ENGLISH

Formerly, one of the administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire; -- now called a vilayet.

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encasement ENGLISH

An old theory of generation similar to embo/tement. See Ovulist.

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