"Balibung" is a word in CEBUANO

balibung CEBUANO

balibung v [A; c] cover the space between the upper edges of the roof at the ridge.
Sín ang maáyung ibalibung sa atup, Galva-nized iron is a good material to put over the ridge of the roof.
-an n {1} ridge of the roof.
{2} the material which covers the ridge.
balidbid v [A; b6] trickle down in drops, clinging to s.t.
Íyang gipahíran ang lúhà nga mibalidbid sa íyang áping, She wiped the tears that trickled down her cheeks.

Few words of positivity

He walked over to where the three were standing. “I see all the beauty is on this side of the room.” Viktoria gave a wicked grin. “Well, it was.

Randy C. Dockens, T-H-B

Laugh your heart out.

Motorist: Does a deer have a horn?Police Officer: No, a deer has two horns.Motorist: Then it must have been a car that ran over my uncle.

alibungan HILIGAYNON

alibungán - The ridge of a roof and the like. (cf. bulubungán, bubungán, ibubungán from bubúng, bobóng).

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baláyan - A large piece of wood, a rafter, especially the length of timber that rests on the wall and …

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bobong ILOKANO

n. 1. the thatch that covers the ridge of a roof. hence 2. the ridge of a roof.

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bobóng - Material used to cover a top, an edge, rim; to put on the top or end of, to …

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bobongan ILOKANO

n. the two beams at the ridge of the roof: the SALLABAWAN and the PAKABAYO. BODEGA [bodέga; f. Sp.], n. …

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bubung CEBUANO

bubung n {1} covering at the ridge of the roof. {2} household unit living under one roof. Paamútun nátung káda …

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bulubungan HILIGAYNON

bulubungán - (H) The ridge of a roof, etc. (cf. bubungán, alibungán).

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The ornamental finishing which surmounts the ridge of a roof, canopy, etc.

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cresting ENGLISH

An ornamental finish on the top of a wall or ridge of a roof.

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flashing ENGLISH

Pieces of metal, built into the joints of a wall, so as to lap over the edge of the gutters …

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The vertical triangular portion of the end of a building, from the level of the cornice or eaves to the …

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ibóy - A (small) monkey, ape. (cf. amô). ibubungán. Ridge, top of a building, highest point in a roof. (cf. …

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kabalyero HILIGAYNON

kabalyéro - (Sp. caballero) Gentleman, cavalier; a kind of tree with bright red flowers; fire-tree. (Sp. arbol de fuego) kabalyéte, …

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kabiliti CEBUANO

kabilíti n ridge pole of a roof. v [A; a12b(1)] make, put in a ridge pole.

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páng-it - To gnaw, nibble, bite off piece by piece. (cf. kíbkib; kítkit, áp-ap, áb-ab, páng-os, háng-it). pangitâ, Corner angle, …

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pulangki CEBUANO

pulangkì n {1} space under the roof parallel to the ridge pole immediately beneath it. {2} the space including a …

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The intersection of two surface forming a salient angle, especially the angle at the top between the opposite slopes or …

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ridgepole ENGLISH

The timber forming the ridge of a roof, into which the rafters are secured.

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sampung CEBUANO

sampung v {1} [A; b(1)] cover or obstruct an opening or passage. Akuy musampung ug tabla ánang bangag arun walay …

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takubu CEBUANO

takubu n s.t. used to cover the roof ridge. v [A; c] put a cover over a roof ridge. Sín …

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