"Balakubak" is a word in TAGALOG

balakubak TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) dandruff

Few words of positivity

At a small dinner with other business executives, the guest of honor spoke the entire time without taking a breath. This meant that the only way to ask a question or make an observation was to interrupt. Three or four men jumped in, and the guest politely answered their questions before resuming his lecture. At one point, I tried to add something to the conversation and he barked, "Let me finish! You people are not good at listening!" Eventually, a few more men interjected and he allowed it. Then the only other female executive at the dinner decided to speak up--and he did it again! He chastised her for interrupting. After the meal, one of the male CEOs pulled me aside to say that he had noticed that only the women had been silenced. He told me he empathized, because as a Hispanic, he has been treated like this many times.

Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Laugh your heart out.

What is the difference between Father Christmas and a warm dog ?Father Christmas wears a whole suit, a dog just pants!

centurion ENGLISH

A military officer who commanded a minor division of the Roman army; a captain of a century.

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promoter ENGLISH

One who, or that which, forwards, advances, or promotes; an encourager; as, a promoter of charity or philosophy.

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bádlit - A line, stroke, sign or mark with a pencil, pen or the like; to line, sign, mark with …

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impetuous ENGLISH

Rushing with force and violence; moving with impetus; furious; forcible; violent; as, an impetuous wind; an impetuous torrent.

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claviger ENGLISH

One who carries the keys of any place.

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ecumenical ENGLISH

General; universal; in ecclesiastical usage, that which concerns the whole church; as, an ecumenical council.

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IS. A writ formerly granted for freeing and discharging persons from serv-ing on assizes and juries. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 165

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A steep hill or ascent.

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untrenched ENGLISH

Being without trenches; whole; intact.

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molecule ENGLISH

One of the very small invisible particles of which all matter is supposed to consist.

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agunguy CEBUANO

agúnguy n prolonged wail of grief or pain, any wailing-like sound. Agúnguy sa ambulansiya, The wail of the ambulance. v …

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Pertaining to the sacculus and cochlea of the ear.

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hamper ENGLISH

A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles; as, a hamper of wine; …

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backboard ENGLISH

A board serving as the back part of anything, as of a wagon.

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diminish ENGLISH

To lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken.

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concealment ENGLISH

A secret; out of the way knowledge.

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erlat Definition: Tagalog slang for sister ERLOT - slang for brother 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) kapatid na babae; ERLOT - …

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checklaton ENGLISH

To attend to a spit; to use a spit.

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