"Balakbak" is a word in CEBUANO

balakbak CEBUANO

balakbak n {1} cloth or similar material to lie, walk, sit on.
Duguun ang bakbak nga giangkan, The sheets on which she lay when she gave birth are all bloody.
{2} diaper.
v {1} [A; a] put material under s.
to be on.
Gibakbákan ug puting panaptun ang tumbanan sa bag-ung kinasal, The newly-weds had a white cloth spread for them to walk over.
{2} underlay, be the thing in which s.t.
is rooted.
Ang íyang panáad gibakbákan ug mga pasálig, His promises were backed up by assurances.
Lúhà ug singut ang gibakbak sa ákung paglampus, My success is rooted in sweat and tears.
{3} put a diaper on.
Bakbáki ang bátà, Put a diaper on the baby.

Few words of positivity

Those who want rain, must also accept the mud.


Laugh your heart out.

What fish goes up the river at 100mph ? A motor pike !

balukut CEBUANO

balúkut v [A3P; b6] {1} wrap up in a blanket, mat, or the like. Nagbúkut kug hábul kay tugnaw, I …

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guslab CEBUANO

guslab v [A; a12] destroy things by chewing them to pieces. Giguslab sa irù ang hapin sa bátà, The dog …

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hampid CEBUANO

hampid v [A; c1] put things of the same size with a flat sur-face neatly on top of one another. …

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hapin n {1} s.t. that is laid over or under s.t. Hapin sa lamísa, Tablecloth. Hapin sa bátà, Babys diaper. …

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hilus v {1} [B26; c1] for s.t. tied securely in place to slip o? , move out of place by …

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lampin CEBUANO

lampin n diaper. v [A; c1] put on, make into a diaper. Lampínun (ilampin) lang ning dáang palda, Just use …

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límin v {1} [A13; b] wrap cloth around the body, swaddle. Lanahi ang pinútì unyà limíni ug lampin, Put oil …

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pilù v {1} [A; a12] fold s.t. flat. Pil-a (pilua) ang mga lampin, Fold the diapers. {2} [A; a] crease, …

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sibit n {1} safety pin. {2} = pálud. v [A; b5] {1} fasten in with a safety pin. Sibta (sibti) …

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tái n {1} feces of people and animals. {2} in the game of bíku, the act of stepping on the …

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