"Bala-On" is a word in HILIGAYNON


balá-on - (B) A small basket without
handles. (cf. balâ-balâ).

Few words of positivity

We have to start with recognition of the issue, confession that it exists, and a willingness to change. The fundamental problem is that white people who own the system as it is now do not allow the absence of black people to bother them.""It has not dawned on enough whites that the real issue is the integrity of the gospel itself and, consequently, the integrity of our witness to the rest of the world-where the majority is blessedly nonwhite.

William Pannell

Laugh your heart out.

The blind farmer was often taken for a walk in the fields by a kind neighbor. However kindly the neighbor might have been, he was undoubtedly a coward. When a bull charged towards them one day, he abandoned the blind man. The bull, puzzled by a lack of fear, nudged the farmer in the back. He turned very quickly, caught the bull by the horns and threw it to the ground with a bump that left it breathless. "Aidan," said the neighbor, "I never knew you were so strong." "Faith, and if I could have got that fella off the handlebars of the bicycle I'd have thrashed him properly."

stealer ENGLISH

One who steals; a thief.

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salumina ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to differ from. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be different from each other. /MAI-/ to be different, to …

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conceptacle ENGLISH

That in which anything is contained; a vessel; a receiver or receptacle.

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staghound ENGLISH

A large and powerful hound formerly used in hunting the stag, the wolf, and other large animals. The breed is …

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blasphemously ENGLISH

In a blasphemous manner.

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pelasgian ENGLISH

Alt. of Pelasgic

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dispatsu CEBUANO

dispatsu n errand boy. v [B126; a12] be an errand boy.

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brigandage ENGLISH

Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery; plunder.

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tackle ENGLISH

Apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; sometimes, the rope and attachments, as …

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A channel of curved section; -- usually applied to one of a vertical series of such channels used to decorate …

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Lat This he is ready to verify.

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kornísa - (Sp. cornisa) Cornice.

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n. joy, happiness, delight, exultation. v. /AG-/ to rejoice, exult. Agrag-o dagiti tattao ta nangabak ti kandidato da. The people …

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chophouse ENGLISH

A house where chops, etc., are sold; an eating house.

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kapal Definition: 1) thickness (noun) 2) thick -- MAKAPAL (adj)

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brotherhood ENGLISH

An association for any purpose, as a society of monks; a fraternity.

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