"Bal-Ot-Bal-Ot" is a word in HILIGAYNON

bal-ot-bal-ot HILIGAYNON

bal-ót-bál-ot - Striped, streaky, showing
various lines of colours. Bal-ót-bál-ot ang
sámay sang íya báyò. His jacket is striped.
His jacket shows lines of various colours.
(cf. labólabó—variegated, dyed in different
colours; to alternate (of colours).

Few words of positivity

. . . for a moment, perhaps an hour, they would wait, wait for something, and when that waiting was over, it was simply dismissed, goodbyes stated, reading materials closed, a momentary pause in the day that did not hold up to whatever came next.Waiting was often a resented gift, imparted to those who accepted it grudgingly in the hopes that something better would come along when the gift was tossed aside, boxed away for the next recipient.

Gina Marinello-Sweeney, The Rose and the Sword

Laugh your heart out.

A man leaves a bar, gets into his car and drives away. 200 yards further he's stopped by a police officer. Officer: "Good evening sir. We're testing drivers for drunken driving. Would you please blow into this machine?". Man: "I'm sorry, I can't do that. I have asthma. If I blow on that machine I will get out of air". Officer: "Please come along to the office and we can give you a blood test". Man: "I can't do that. I have anemia and if you stick a needle in me I will bleed to death". Officer: "Then you'll have to get out and walk 5 yards along this white line". Man: "Can't do that either". Officer: "Why not?". Man: "Because I'm dead drunk".


baráw - Spotted, dotted, marked with various colours, having variegated dots or spots; to be or become spotted, etc. Ang …

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bibít - To raise and lower the various heddles in a loom, when weaving a design in different colours; to …

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bílik - (H) To twist or double threads, especially threads of different colour. Bilíka ang bunáng nga maputî kag mapulá. …

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bulálo - A kind of hard, variously coloured stone. bulalóy. Dull, stupid, backward, slow. (cf. gágo, búngaw, pákok, bághak, bulúk, …

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kámbang - Variegated, motley, marked with various colours, spotted, dapple, dappled, mottled, brindled; to be or become variegated, etc. Ang …

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kára - (B) See kála. Also: A kind of hard stone variously coloured.

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katitáw - A kind of coarse native cloth made in various colours that soon fade.

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lain-lain HILIGAYNON

laín-láin - Dim. and Freq. of láin and laín. Nagalaínláin ang íya ginháwa. He gets unconscious at intervals. He feels …

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nanarî-sárì, nanarí-sári - (B) Various, divers, diversified, diverse, different, assorted, all kinds of, all sort of, all manner of, varied, …

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púgtak - Dot, spot; to dot or spot, to embroider in various colours, make fine needle-work.

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sarîsárì - Various, divers, assorted, mingled, varied, diverse, diversified, mixed. Sarîsárì nga mga puní ang ginbutáng níla sa árko. They …

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tápis - A large apron or over-skirt in various designs and usually of a black colour, as worn chiefly by …

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