"Bahol" is a word in HILIGAYNON


bahól - To be or become thick, stout,
plump, large in circumference; thick, stout,
plump; coarse (of cloth). Abáw, nagbahól
na si Fuláno! By Jove, N.N. has grown
stout! Nabaholán akó sa íya. I was
surprised at his stoutness—or—he
appeared to me to be stout. Bahól nga táo,
bahól nga hénero. A stout man, coarse
cloth. Ginabaholán akó siníng hénero;
ipakítà mo sa ákon inâ dirâ. This cloth is
too rough or too coarse for me; show me
that one over there. (cf. dakû).

Few words of positivity

I stopped smoking. But my personality I still have. I get up in the morning, and not everybody loves me, so if you want to call that a bad habit, there's that.

Don Rickles

Laugh your heart out.

What is the biggest ant in the world ?An elephant !

brogan ENGLISH

A stout, coarse shoe; a brogue.

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brogue ENGLISH

A stout, coarse shoe; a brogan.

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dornock ENGLISH

A coarse sort of damask, originally made at Tournay (in Flemish, Doornick), Belgium, and used for hangings, carpets, etc. Also, …

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kabaholan HILIGAYNON

kabaholán - Thickness, coarseness, stoutness, largeness (in bulk or circumference); meanness, boorishness. (cf. kabahól, bahól, kabástos, kabastosán).

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mabahúl - (B) Plump, large and stout, large in circumference, said of persons and things in general. Mabahúl nga táo, …

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sacking ENGLISH

Stout, coarse cloth of which sacks, bags, etc., are made.

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