"Bagun" is a word in CEBUANO


bágun = balágun.


bagun n {1} wheelbarrow.
{2} railroad freight car.
Tulu ka bagung tubu, Three freight cars full of sugar cane.
v [c1] trans-port in a wheelbarrow, freight car.
Bagunun (ibagun) ta lang ning balas, Lets carry this sand in the wheelbarrow.

Few words of positivity

My former identity was lying around, somewhere, fragmented and buried, like shards from an earlier civilization.

Laurie Nadel, Dancing with the Wind: A True Story of Zen in the Art of Windsurfing

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.

rustic ENGLISH

Simple; artless; unadorned; unaffected.

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declarative ENGLISH

Making declaration, proclamation, or publication; explanatory; assertive; declaratory.

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fathead ENGLISH

A cyprinoid fish of the Mississippi valley (Pimephales promelas); -- called also black-headed minnow.

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cumbrian ENGLISH

Pertaining to Cumberland, England, or to a system of rocks found there.

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parsua ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to create. /MA-/ to be created.

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fondness ENGLISH

Doting affection; tender liking; strong appetite, propensity, or relish; as, he had a fondness for truffles.

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squamipen ENGLISH

Any one of a group of fishes having the dorsal and anal fins partially covered with scales.

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dredger ENGLISH

A box with holes in its lid; -- used for sprinkling flour, as on meat or a breadboard; -- called …

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prak n formal evening gown for women. v {1} [A1; b6] wear such a frock. {2} [a12] make into a …

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government ENGLISH

The mode of governing; the system of polity in a state; the established form of law.

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talumátà - To inquire into one’s pedigree. See talomátà.

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The station or dignity of an archbishop; archiepiscopacy.

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metronome ENGLISH

An instrument consisting of a short pendulum with a sliding weight. It is set in motion by clockwork, and serves …

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expletively ENGLISH

In the manner of an expletive.

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míd n a female household help. v [B156; a12] be, become a maid. pa-v [A] hire oneself out as a …

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To ripen; to grow ripe.

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shamefast ENGLISH

Modest; shamefaced.

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glucinum ENGLISH

A rare metallic element, of a silver white color, and low specific gravity (2.1), resembling magnesium. It never occurs naturally …

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commoner ENGLISH

One who has a joint right in common ground.

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