"Bacharach" is a word in ENGLISH

bacharach ENGLISH

Alt. of Backarack

Few words of positivity

No pain, no gain." You can hear the phrase in the world of physical exercise and conditioning. Muscles that feel no pain are probably getting neither stronger, nor more flexible. It presents an analogy for the exercise of the heart. Those who run the risk of genuine love alone must worry about emotional pain. The more friends; the more good-byes - and the more wakes to attend, the more graves to visit, the more deaths to share. Those who truly live life to the fullest will bear the full cup of suffering. Only those who are willing to pay the price in pain and anguish find life full to the brim. Happy people also suffer; they are no more lucky than the rest. They create their own happiness. That's the rule of thumb.Some thumbs, however, don't seem to rule very well. Slogans and catch-words, for all their conventional wisdom, fail to carry the whole weight of truth; they leave too much room for false inferences. "No pain, no gain" may leave one with nothing but pain - an intolerable amount of it. There is simply no guarantee that pain will bring gain, that hardship will yield happiness, that suffering will make one a better person. It may; but it's not inevitable.

Robert Dykstra, She Never Said Good-Bye

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Frd, give me a sentence starting with "I." Fred: I is . . . Teacher: No, Fred. You must always say "I am." Fred: Oh, right. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

commemorator ENGLISH

One who commemorates.

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-in derivative a? x added to adjectives or nouns to form ad-jectives which mean in the manner of [such-and-such] and …

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testamentary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a will, or testament; as, letters testamentary.

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v. /MANGI-: I-/ to begin, set about.

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annulus ENGLISH

Ring-shaped structures or markings, found in, or upon, various animals.

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suppleness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being supple; flexibility; pliableness; pliancy.

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To the most extended Import of the terms; in a sense as universal as the terms wlll reach. 2 Eden, …

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undercry ENGLISH
quaternion ENGLISH

A set of four parts, things, or person; four things taken collectively; a group of four words, phrases, circumstances, facts, …

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reluctation ENGLISH

Repugnance; resistance; reluctance.

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hagad v [AN; a] {1} o? er to do s.t. Mihagad ku paghatud níya sa íla, I o? ered to …

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palangadion HILIGAYNON

palangadíon - (H) Prayer, oration, orison. (cf. pangadî; pangamúyò).

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A form of windlass, or geared capstan, for hauling ships into dock, etc.

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overfrieze ENGLISH

To cover with a frieze, or as with a frieze.

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sphygmometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the strength of the pulse beat; a sphygmograph.

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sikyuriti CEBUANO

sikyuriti n security guard. gard = sikyuriti.

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ditheistical ENGLISH

Pertaining to ditheism; dualistic.

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blinker ENGLISH

A blinder for horses; a flap of leather on a horse's bridle to prevent him from seeing objects as his …

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apurá - (Sp. apurar) To hasten, make haste, hurry, be quick, do quickly, push on with. Apurahá ang pagpatíndog sang …

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