"Baba, Baba" is a word in HILIGAYNON

baba, baba HILIGAYNON

bábà, bâbâ - Mouth. Mapísan siá sing
bábà. She is a great chatterbox. Pamábà,
pamâbâ—to talk much, tell stories, let out
secrets. Indì ka magpamábà. Don’t talk too
much. Don’t let out secrets. Sin-o ang
namábà sinâ? Who told that, who blurted
it out?

Few words of positivity

Promised yourself never to keep quiet on the truth. Speak it out and let the lie die

Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Frontpage: Leadership Insights from 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Thoughts

Laugh your heart out.

Where is the most open green space in New York City? Central Pork

hemitropal ENGLISH

Alt. of Hemitropous

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To strike; to crush; to smash; to dash in pieces.

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A place where outcast persons or things are gathered

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katalug CEBUANO

katalug, katalugu n catalog, esp. of fashion design. v [A13; c1] compile or make a catalog.

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unshed ENGLISH

Not spilt, or made to flow, as blood or tears.

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strike ENGLISH

To punish; to afflict; to smite.

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duoliteral ENGLISH

Consisting of two letters only; biliteral.

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cabinet ENGLISH

A decorative piece of furniture, whether open like an etagere or closed with doors. See Etagere.

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Gwabr Merghed LAW AND LEGAL

Maid's fee. A Brltlsh word signifying a customary fine payable to lords of some manors on marriage of the tenant’s …

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plaster ENGLISH

Fig.: To smooth over; to cover or conceal the defects of; to hide, as with a covering of plaster.

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To request or petition; -- usually followed by for; as, to ask for bread.

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The quantity that a box contain.

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A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a …

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violator ENGLISH

One who violates; an infringer; a profaner; a ravisher.

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pamúlung - (H) Freq. of búlung—to spin, etc.

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tanga-tanga HILIGAYNON

tangâ-tangâ - Dim. and Freq. of tangâ— to raise one’s head. (cf. tánglà, tukháyaw).

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gay-at ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to reach for to grasp, to thrust out or extend the hand to grasp (something). Idi gay-aten na …

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mutability ENGLISH

The quality of being mutable, or subject to change or alteration, either in form, state, or essential character; susceptibility of …

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