"Ayrie" is a word in ENGLISH


Alt. of Ayry

Few words of positivity

There's something very peaceful about being in love. It can make you light as a feather; so blissfully unaware of anything else of importance. It can make you feel anger, rage, jealousy and lust all in one sentence. But the most important thing that love can give a person is certainty. Certainty that love, real love, will always pull you through your darkest days.

Shelly Pratt, Sanctuary of Mine

Laugh your heart out.

Two political candidates were having a hot debate. Finally, one of them jumped up and yelled at the other, "What about the powerful interest that controls you?"And the other guy screamed back, "You leave my wife out of this!"

abortion ENGLISH

The act of giving premature birth; particularly, the expulsion of the human fetus prematurely, or before it is capable of …

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walalohan HILIGAYNON

walalóhan - (H) A measure of one eighth, especially one eighth of a bushel of rice. (cf. waló, walóhan, waralóhan).

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increase ENGLISH

Addition or enlargement in size, extent, quantity, number, intensity, value, substance, etc.; augmentation; growth.

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alikati CEBUANO

alikáti sa múrus n k. o. herb of waste places, growing to 2, widely used as a poultice for wounds. …

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kalangitan HILIGAYNON

kalangítan - Heaven; the heavens, firmament, welkin (poetical). (cf. lángit).

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mátud [gen. ] according to what [so-and-so] says. Mátud níya, maáyu kanang klási, According to him that is a good …

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kométa - (Sp. cometa) Comet.

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That which one lends or borrows, esp. a sum of money lent at interest; as, he repaid the loan.

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asíg - To despise, abhor, insult grievously, abominate. Sín-o ang nagasíg sa ímo? Who insulted you? Ginaasigán níya ang amó …

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tikung CEBUANO

tikung = butíti.

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affriction ENGLISH

The act of rubbing against.

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autocratic ENGLISH

Alt. of Autocratical

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tagiltil CEBUANO

tagiltil n short, high-pitched somewhat resonant sounds: clink-clink. Tinagiltil sa kutsára, Clinking of spoons. v [A; c1] make a clinking …

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elevation ENGLISH

The angle which the style makes with the substylar line.

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wholly ENGLISH

To the exclusion of other things; totally; fully.

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coleus ENGLISH

A plant of several species of the Mint family, cultivated for its bright-colored or variegated leaves.

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upgather ENGLISH

To gather up; to contract; to draw together.

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humalampang HILIGAYNON

humalámpang - A player; gamester, gambler. (cf. hámpang).

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puririt CEBUANO

puririt v [A13] for soft, watery feces to be discharged in a spurt. Wà pa gánì siya makalingkud sa bangkíyu, …

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