"Avower" is a word in ENGLISH

avower ENGLISH

One who avows or asserts.

Few words of positivity

Who are you?Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?I have. I am fucking crazy.But I am free.

Lana Del Rey

Laugh your heart out.

A baseball manager who had an ulcer was in his physician office for a checkup. "Remember," the doctor said, "don't get excited, don't get mad, and forget about baseball when you're off the field." Then he added, "By the way, how come you let the pitcher bat yesterday with the tying run on second and two men out in the ninth?"Doctor: Tell him I can't see him now. Next.

Acknowledge LAW AND LEGAL

To own, avow, or admit; to confess; to recognize one’s acts, and assume the responsibility therefor

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A declaration or avowal of one's own act, to give it legal validity; as, the acknowledgment of a deed before …

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acquiescence ENGLISH

A silent or passive assent or submission, or a submission with apparent content; -- distinguished from avowed consent on the …

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one who makes an avowry

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confess ENGLISH

To make acknowledgment or avowal in a matter pertaining to one's self; to acknowledge, own, or admit, as a crime, …

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confession ENGLISH

Acknowledgment; avowal, especially in a matter pertaining to one's self; the admission of a debt, obligation, or crime.

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declare ENGLISH

To make a declaration, or an open and explicit avowal; to proclaim one's self; -- often with for or against; …

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Disclamation LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. Dis-avowal of tenure; denial that one holds lands of another. Bell

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profess ENGLISH

To make open declaration of, as of one's knowledge, belief, action, etc.; to avow or acknowledge; to confess publicly; to …

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profession ENGLISH

That which one professed; a declaration; an avowal; a claim; as, his professions are insincere.

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professor ENGLISH

One who professed, or makes open declaration of, his sentiments or opinions; especially, one who makes a public avowal of …

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rebellion ENGLISH

The act of rebelling; open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government to which one owes obedience, and …

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recognize ENGLISH

To avow knowledge of; to allow that one knows; to consent to admit, hold, or the like; to admit with …

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Convicted by one's own consciousness, knowledge, avowal, or acts.

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