"Avatar" is a word in ENGLISH

avatar ENGLISH

Incarnation; manifestation as an object of worship or

avatar ENGLISH

The descent of a deity to earth, and his incarnation as a
man or an animal; -- chiefly associated with the incarnations of

Few words of positivity

I am dying but otherwise I am quite well.

Edith Sitwell

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a rabbit with no clothes on? A bare hare.

incarnation ENGLISH

An incarnate form; a personification; a manifestation; a reduction to apparent from; a striking exemplification in person or act.

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incarnation ENGLISH

The act of clothing with flesh, or the state of being so clothed; the act of taking, or being manifested …

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theophany ENGLISH

A manifestation of God to man by actual appearance, usually as an incarnation.

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