"Autumnal" is a word in ENGLISH

autumnal ENGLISH

Past the middle of life; in the third stage.

autumnal ENGLISH

Of, belonging to, or peculiar to, autumn; as, an autumnal
tint; produced or gathered in autumn; as, autumnal fruits; flowering in
autumn; as, an autumnal plant.

Few words of positivity

To find the inner peace be utmost honest to yourself.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so fat when she goes to an amusement park, people try to ride HER!

autumn ENGLISH

The harvest or fruits of autumn.

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autumn ENGLISH

The time of maturity or decline; latter portion; third stage.

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autumn ENGLISH

The third season of the year, or the season between summer and winter, often called \"the fall.\" Astronomically, it begins …

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beccafico ENGLISH

A small bird. (Silvia hortensis), which is highly prized by the Italians for the delicacy of its flesh in the …

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bittersweet ENGLISH

An American woody climber (Celastrus scandens), whose yellow capsules open late in autumn, and disclose the red aril which covers …

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broadbill ENGLISH

A wild duck (Aythya, / Fuligula, marila), which appears in large numbers on the eastern coast of the United States, …

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brumaire ENGLISH

The second month of the calendar adopted by the first French republic. It began thirty days after the autumnal equinox. …

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canvasback ENGLISH

A Species of duck (Aythya vallisneria), esteemed for the delicacy of its flesh. It visits the United States in autumn; …

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crocus ENGLISH

A genus of iridaceous plants, with pretty blossoms rising separately from the bulb or corm. C. vernus is one of …

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deciduous ENGLISH

Falling off, or subject to fall or be shed, at a certain season, or a certain stage or interval of …

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disrobe ENGLISH

To divest of a robe; to undress; figuratively, to strip of covering; to divest of that which clothes or decorates; …

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equinox ENGLISH

The time when the sun enters one of the equinoctial points, that is, about March 21 and September 22. See …

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The two periods of the year (vernal equinox about March 21st, and autumnal equinox about September 22d) when the time …

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The season when leaves fall from trees; autumn.

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To graze; to cause to be cropped by feeding, as herbage by cattle; as, if grain is too forward in …

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frostfish ENGLISH

The tomcod; -- so called because it is abundant on the New England coast in autumn at about the commencement …

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gossamer ENGLISH

A fine, filmy substance, like cobwebs, floating in the air, in calm, clear weather, especially in autumn. It is seen …

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harvest ENGLISH

The gathering of a crop of any kind; the ingathering of the crops; also, the season of gathering grain and …

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indeciduous ENGLISH

Not deciduous or falling, as the leaves of trees in autumn; lasting; evergreen; persistent; permanent; perennial.

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katydid ENGLISH

A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect (Cyrtophyllus concavus) of the family Locustidae, common in the United States. The males have …

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