"Austerity" is a word in ENGLISH

austerity ENGLISH

Plainness; freedom from adornment; severe simplicity.

austerity ENGLISH

Sourness and harshness to the taste.

austerity ENGLISH

Severity of manners or life; extreme rigor or
strictness; harsh discipline.

Few words of positivity

She had always thought the word 'pheromones' made it sound as though molecules were floating in the air, shaped like little fluted horns, ready to attach themselves to the nearest target. Microscopic Edison phonographs flying about, their brassy mouths puckered to sucker onto bare unsuspecting skin. These were what he sent out to her. The pheromones. The eyeless babies of energy.

Alice Pung, Her Father's Daughter

Laugh your heart out.

What letter stands for the ocean?The letter C.


húsà - Privacy, shelter, protection, freedom from noise, etc. Walâ gid sing húsà sa ámon baláy ang kinánta kag sináut …

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simplicity ENGLISH

Freedom from artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury; plainness; as, simplicity of dress, of style, or of language; simplicity of …

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