"Atuli" is a word in CEBUANO


atuli n {1} earwax.
{2} materials like earwax.
{a} yellow paste.
{b} tobacco tars.
{c} yellow, hardened grease sticking in corners of machinery.
v [A; ac1] make, apply paste to.
Nagkayabkáyab nang mga drúwing sa bungbung.
Iatuli (atuliha) ra, The draw-ings are flapping up and down on the wall.
Paste them down.
() = atuli, 2a.
paN- v = panghiN-.
hiN- n instrument for getting earwax out.
v [A; b(1)] remove earwax.
Akuy muhingatuli sa bátà, I will remove the childs earwax.
panghiN- v [A2; b(1)] re-move ones earwax.
Dílì maáyung manghingatuli sa kadaghánan, Its not good to remove ones earwax in public.

Few words of positivity

He looked like someone pretending to be a knight, which was bad. He figured pretending to be something he actually wanted to be was just asking for it.

Liam Perrin, Sir Thomas the Hesitant and the Table of Less Valued Knights

Laugh your heart out.

How do you know you're leading a sad life?When a nymphomaniac tells you, "Let's just be friends."

grandi CEBUANO

grandi {1} = in-grandi. {2} búsung complete and thorough búsung (divine punishment) without let-up. Búsung grandi, gábà hiniral na nà …

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interveined ENGLISH

Intersected, as with veins.

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maturate ENGLISH

To promote the perfect suppuration of (an abscess).

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magilp ENGLISH
learning ENGLISH

The knowledge or skill received by instruction or study; acquired knowledge or ideas in any branch of science or literature; …

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workingman ENGLISH

A laboring man; a man who earns his daily support by manual labor.

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slash pine ENGLISH

A kind of pine tree (Pinus Cubensis) found in Southern Florida and the West Indies; -- so called because it …

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catalysis ENGLISH

A process by which reaction occurs in the presence of certain agents which were formerly believed to exert an influence …

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In tbe oivil law. Every species of immovable whlch can be the subject of property; such as lands, houses, orchards, …

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Having an odd number of fingers or toes, either one, three, or five, as in the horse, tapir, rhinoceros, etc.

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answerable ENGLISH

Proportionate; commensurate; suitable; as, an achievement answerable to the preparation for it.

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baluskad CEBUANO

baluskad = baluskag.

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ln ecclesiastical law. A minister or servant In the church, whose office is

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mara-mara HILIGAYNON

mará-mará - (B) The mole-cricket. See malámalá.

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tungina CEBUANO

tungína n misfortune or su? ering inflicted on s. o. by a super-natural being in retribution for some infraction or …

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Accumulative LAW AND LEGAL

That which accu-mulates, or is heaped up; additional. Sald of several thlngs heaped together, or of one thing added to …

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utsing CEBUANO

utsing v [AC; a2] have sexual intercourse (humorous).

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oblocutor ENGLISH

A disputer; a gainsayer.

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