"Ataki" is a word in CHAVACANO, CEBUANO


English: attack, assault
Tagalog: atake


atáki v {1} [A; a12] attack, assault.
Atakíhun nátù ang Hapun, We will attack the Japanese.
{2} [A; a12b2] attack s.
per- sonally.
Ug manuburnu ka atakíhun ka sa mga piryudista, If you give bribes, the newspapers will attack you.
{3} [a12] be attacked by a sickness.
Giatáki sa kasingkásing si Pápa, Dad had a heart attack.
n {1} attack, assault on s.t.
{2} attack of a disease.
silibrr n cerebral thrombosis.

Few words of positivity

Lifelong pain, an unwanted pregnancy, and even death may be the reward for such a brief window of pleasure. What a foolish gamble!

James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: A Young Adult's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Laugh your heart out.

Who is the most famous French ant ?Napoleant !

affray ENGLISH

The act of suddenly disturbing any one; an assault or attack.

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aggression ENGLISH

The first attack, or act of hostility; the first act of injury, or first act leading to a war or …

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aggressive ENGLISH

Tending or disposed to aggress; characterized by aggression; making assaults; unjustly attacking; as, an aggressive policy, war, person, nation.

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assail ENGLISH

To attack with violence, or in a vehement and hostile manner; to assault; to molest; as, to assail a man …

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assailant ENGLISH

One who, or that which, assails, attacks, or assaults; an assailer.

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assailment ENGLISH

The act or power of assailing; attack; assault.

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assault ENGLISH

To attack with moral means, or with a view of producing moral effects; to attack by words, arguments, or unfriendly …

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assault ENGLISH

A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, as words, arguments, appeals, and the like; as, to make an assault …

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assault ENGLISH

To make an assault upon, as by a sudden rush of armed men; to attack with unlawful or insulting physical …

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assault ENGLISH

A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, etc.; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an …

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assaulter ENGLISH

One who assaults, or violently attacks; an assailant.

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atakádo - (Sp. atacado) Attacked, assailed, assaulted (by robbers, etc.); infected (by disease, etc.). (cf. dúnggò, dinúnggò; aránka, soróso, inaránka, …

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atakár - (Sp. atacar) To attack, fall upon, assail, assault, be aggressive, to affect, infect. Ginatakár akó sang mga buyóng, …

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atáke - (Sp. ataque) An attack, assault, onset; fit (of a disease); to fall upon, attack, assault, assail. Atakéha siá. …

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attack ENGLISH

To fall upon with force; to assail, as with force and arms; to assault.

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attack ENGLISH

The act of attacking, or falling on with force or violence; an onset; an assault; -- opposed to defense.

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attack ENGLISH

An assault upon one's feelings or reputation with unfriendly or bitter words.

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dóksol - (B) To advance upon, draw near, close in upon, approach, march upon, come to close quarters, attack, assault, …

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duklus ILOKANO

v. /-UM-:-EN/ to attack, assault. Isu ti dimmuklus kanyak. It was he who attacked me.

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dúsmò - To fall prone, fall on one’s face. (cf. dásmà, dágpà; sukámod). dúsmug, To assault, assail, attack, rush—, fall—, …

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