"Aspersing" is a word in ENGLISH

aspersing ENGLISH

of Asperse

Few words of positivity

If you have strength, why won’t you work?

Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

Laugh your heart out.

Why is a dog like a baseball player?

He runs for home when he sees the catcher coming.


Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that Im worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu …

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appeach ENGLISH

To impeach; to accuse; to asperse; to inform against; to reproach.

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asperse ENGLISH

To bespatter with foul reports or false and injurious charges; to tarnish in point of reputation or good name; to …

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asperse ENGLISH

To sprinkle, as water or dust, upon anybody or anything, or to besprinkle any one with a liquid or with …

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aspersed ENGLISH

Having an indefinite number of small charges scattered or strewed over the surface.

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aspersed ENGLISH

Bespattered; slandered; calumniated.

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asperser ENGLISH

One who asperses; especially, one who vilifies another.

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aspersion ENGLISH

A sprinkling, as with water or dust, in a literal sense.

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aspersion ENGLISH

The spreading of calumniations reports or charges which tarnish reputation, like the bespattering of a body with foul water; calumny.

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aspersive ENGLISH

Tending to asperse; defamatory; slanderous.

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bespatter ENGLISH

To asperse with calumny or reproach.

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bespurt ENGLISH

To spurt on or over; to asperse.

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defamation ENGLISH

Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name …

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defame ENGLISH

To harm or destroy the good fame or reputation of; to disgrace; especially, to speak evil of maliciously; to dishonor …

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libák - Detraction, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, defamation, aspersion, traducement, backbiting, speaking ill of, running down; to detract, derogate, disparage, …

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malign ENGLISH

To speak great evil of; to traduce; to defame; to slander; to vilify; to asperse.

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scandal ENGLISH

Reproachful aspersion; opprobrious censure; defamatory talk, uttered heedlessly or maliciously.

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scandal ENGLISH

To treat opprobriously; to defame; to asperse; to traduce; to slander.

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Defamatory reports or ru-mors; aspersion or slanderous talk, uttered recklessly or maliciously

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