"Asiatic" is a word in ENGLISH

asiatic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Asia or to its inhabitants.

asiatic ENGLISH

A native, or one of the people, of Asia.

Few words of positivity

Do stories, apart from happening, being, have something to say? For all my skepticism, some trace of irrational superstition did survive in me, the strange conviction, for example, that everything in life that happens to me also has a sense, that it means something, that life speaks to us about itself through its story, that it gradually reveals a secret, that it takes the form of a rebus whose message must be deciphered, that the stories we live compromise the mythology of our lives and in that mythology lies the key to truth and mystery. Is it an illusion? Possibly, even probably, but I can’t rid myself of the need continually to decipher my own life.

Milan Kundera, The Joke

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the man lose his job in a fruit packing firm? He kept throwing the bent bananas away.

acanthus ENGLISH

A genus of herbaceous prickly plants, found in the south of Europe, Asia Minor, and India; bear's-breech.

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aeolian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Aeolia or Aeolis, in Asia Minor, colonized by the Greeks, or to its inhabitants; aeolic; as, …

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altaic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Altai, a mountain chain in Central Asia.

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anabasis ENGLISH

A journey or expedition up from the coast, like that of the younger Cyrus into Central Asia, described by Xenophon …

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anamese ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Anam, to southeastern Asia.

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angora ENGLISH

A city of Asia Minor (or Anatolia) which has given its name to a goat, a cat, etc.

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antelope ENGLISH

One of a group of ruminant quadrupeds, intermediate between the deer and the goat. The horns are usually annulated, or …

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archipelago ENGLISH

The Grecian Archipelago, or Aegean Sea, separating Greece from Asia Minor. It is studded with a vast number of small …

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argali ENGLISH

A species of wild sheep (Ovis ammon, or O. argali), remarkable for its large horns. It inhabits the mountains of …

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One of a primitive people supposed to have lived in prehistoric times, in Central Asia, east of the Caspian Sea, …

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Of or pertaining to Asia; Asiatic.

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asiarch ENGLISH

One of the chiefs or pontiffs of the Roman province of Asia, who had the superintendence of the public games …

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asiaticism ENGLISH

Something peculiar to Asia or the Asiatics.

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asphaltum ENGLISH

Mineral pitch, Jews' pitch, or compact native bitumen. It is brittle, of a black or brown color and high luster …

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attagen ENGLISH

A species of sand grouse (Syrrghaptes Pallasii) found in Asia and rarely in southern Europe.

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bactrian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Bactria in Asia.

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badger ENGLISH

A carnivorous quadruped of the genus Meles or of an allied genus. It is a burrowing animal, with short, thick …

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balsamu CEBUANO

balsamu n ointment for the muscles of the type sold through SE Asia under the brand Tiger Balm.

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black death ENGLISH

A pestilence which ravaged Europe and Asia in the fourteenth century.

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